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Everything posted by MikaelH

  1. Yes, that's right. First I create an Empty lvclass, and I add and save the methods.
  2. So you want to do this: ...just take your preference file you created and rename/replace it with "prefPage_Colors.vi". I never modifies the colors anyway.
  3. Are you using the "English" setting in the "Control Panel->Reginal and Language Options->Advanced->Langauge for non-Unicode program->Drop Down list box" ?
  4. Especially when you open a VI reference by name i.e. using the string instead of path
  5. The community key is: COMM-UNIT-YEDI-TION-2010 To get a free evaluation license call Jan Klasson on +46 8 410 168 21 or email tools@symbio.com If you don't get a reply at that email address let me know. Cheers, Mikael
  6. Have a nice holiday I just got back from a long weekend of skiing. It was awesome, and next week I'll go snokeling, that's life down under :-)
  7. The OO-design Violet is using, is actually the design I based the GOOP Development Suite's UML modeler on. I used this design to see if our EndevoGOOP3 class template supported all function a “Real” OO language required. It started off as a hobby project to see if we could implement all OO features that was found in Java, and it did (except native Interface support). //Mikael
  8. Gosh I first read so I thought that AQ was leaving NI... and I got a bit of a panic attack. Thanks for all your support.
  9. You are welcome :-) Cheers, Mikael
  10. Sorry about that, please try these links: http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_Q2G_2009.zip http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_Q2G_2010.zip http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_Q2G_2010-64.zip Currently the web-page link is to our release candidate, but we’re almost ready with the main 4.0 version. Cheers, Mikael
  11. Since you can find out the Child Class name in runtime and you know the VI it should override, you can always: 1) Try to open the VI Reference to the VI using a string: <ChildClass>.lvclass:Undo.vi, since it belongs to a class it will be in memory. 2) Open a reference to the class and get it's members and check if it's in the list. ...or am I missing something? //Mikael
  12. Just to keep this thread a live, I'm uploading one of my interface solutions using variants. This way is quite easy, but very slow. Interface_Variant.zip It's in LV2010 Cheers, Mikael
  13. You are absolute right, if you use by value it doesn’t behave as expected, I guess this design should only be used for reference classes. //Mikael
  14. Hi Guys FYI: I’ve just implemented support for <<INTERFACE>> in GDS(GOOP Development Suite). I’ve attached the code the tool creates. Interface.zip The tool automatically creates an extra class that redirects the Interface method calls to the Class that likes to implement an <<INTERFACE>>. Cheers, Mikael
  15. LabVIEW 2010 New Features LabVIEW 2010 Bug Fixes LabVIEW 2010 Platform Known Issues I hope NI keeps their New Year's Resolutions //Mikael
  16. Here is the latest GDS beta version: http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_Q1Z_2009.zip The activation key is: NINI-WEEK-2010-BETA-BETA //Mikael
  17. Good news This issue should be resolved in LV2010...and I guess it's only a couple of days left //Mike
  18. Michael You can use the SetWindowPos in the user32.dll. http://msdn.microsof...545(VS.85).aspx //Mikael
  19. Nice to hear that you like the GOOP video.

    If you like to test our latest GDS beta version for LV2009 you can read about it here:



  20. Here is the latest GDS beta version: http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_Q1U_2009.zip Cheers, Mikael
  21. I can see that this would happen in a "By Value" world, but not in a "By Reference" world, because the pointer to the same class would be NULL at the start and would not causing any recursive memory allocation problem. Of cause LabVIEW is by value, but if I had to develop the source code for LabVIEW, internally I would use pointers for memory allocation and just let the user (me and all other LabVIEW fans), get the feeling of a by value flow development language. Of cause I don’t have all knowledge of how to write a such sophisticating and great development language as LabVIEW so I’m sure I don’t understand all hurdles and problem it causes to have a Class Cube in its own private data cluster. Yes you are right; we can implement all design patterns in the GOF with a little tweaking here and there, But it would be nice to be able to implement these with less tweaking, I think/hope that in a future version of LabVIEW, we'll both have support for interface and and Call by Reference node with dynamic dispatch class member VIs. //Mikael
  22. Thanks guys. One question remains though why aren’t we allow to do this? So for some reason LV doesn’t like us to be able to implement the Composition design pattern. I use this in my UML modeler where all my graphical objects on the diagram inherit from a Node base class. This class have 2 attributes, - One is a Parent NodeRef, since a object can have a parent node that owns this object. - And several ChildrenNodeRefs, that indicated which children objects this node has if any. So to get this working on our new GOOP4 DVR template we had to type cast the DVR reference into a U32 and place that in our Cluster of class private data. This works fine, the question is should it work or not? Why doesn’t LV allow me to do this straight away? Here’s our class template showing that this works just fine. A_class.zip Cheers, Mikael
  23. Nice work. This is the first time I’ve seen the State pattern implemented in LabVIEW, I’ve always looked for a good place to implement it myself Cheers, Mikael
  24. Hi I get this annoying class error when I try to place a class in its own class private data. The private data control defines the default value for a class. This private data control has values set as the defaults that are illegal. Illegal default values include: any value of this class itself, any value of any child class, any class that has not been loaded into memory, and any class that uses this class as a member in its own private data control. If you do not see the problem value immediately, you might check the default value of any variant controls in the private data to make sure their default values are not the problem. If I understand this right, the default value of the Class Private Data Cluster saved in this class is illegal. So how do I change it and how did I get it illegal in the first place. A.zip Cheers, Mikael
  25. I tried it through .net and it works. I had to browse for the mscorlib.dll file for LabVIEW to find the SHA256Managed-class. Cheers, Mikael
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