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Everything posted by MikaelH

  1. MikaelH

    TestStand Lite

    Hi guys I came up with the name TestStand Light, when a customer (Ericsson Mobile Platform, Sweden) needed a test-executive that was based on readable test sequence files. They wanted the sequence files to be read and modified by notepad. I made a ScriptRunner application that parsed the text files and executed the tests. E.g. TEST { SetVoltageApp(20) $Result=TcCurrentConsumptionsApp(21) if ($Result.TestStatusResult=PASS) { println("TcCurrentConsumptionsApp Result=PASS") for each $Temp in {85,-30,-20,25} { SetTemperatureApp(28) for each $Volt in {2.5,2.7,2.75,2.9} { SetVoltageApp(31) $XO=TcXoFrequencyApp(34) TcTxPowerVsFrequencyApp(35) } } } else { println("TcCurrentConsumptionsApp Result=FAIL") } SendMailApp(41) } But too make it easier to create scripts like this, I made a GUI for that. "TestStand Light" Have a look at this ppt Download File:post-941-1170712458.ppt (It's a quick swedish to english translation, just for you guys ) The problem is that Ericsson owns this code, but if I have time I might be able to recreate it (not copy) and share it. Cheers, Mikael Ps But I'm now upgrading the LabVIEW UML modeller to be integrated in the LabVIEW project environment, and that will probably take all my spare time
  2. I've had the same problems working with lvclasses. To solve this, I had to open open one of the classes direct (dubble click on the .lvclass file). Resave it and restart LabVIEW. The problem I've had is that I don't know which lvclass file to open, LabVIEW crashes when I open the wrong file. The problem is caused by using public typedefs from other classes in a lvclass. But there is soon a solution for these problems ... //Mikael
  3. Okay, so when using classes in the application it puts all dynamic class VIs under the data folder like this: So it will not be just an simple exe-file to distribute any more //Mikael
  4. I can't post the code right now, I'm using Endevos new reference based OO architecture, and we haven't decied if it will be open source code or not. And the OO kernels isn't locked yet I found a problem. When building the exe-file, LV renamed a sub class method, that I call dynamic. Why? Probably because I have the same method-name in another sub class. Both these classes derive from a common base class. But the base class don't have this method in it. If I create this method in the base class It might work since it then forces it to have the same name, since it could be used by dynamic dispatch. //Mikael YES, I got very usful information under Details: :headbang: //Mikael
  5. Hi I have problems creating an executable file, for my OO-based application:When NOT adding the debugger I get this problem, for this VI: When adding the debugger, I can get the exe-file to be created.BUT I get these dialogs: The Exe-file has been created and I can run it (but it doesn't work properly). If I try to connect the debugger. It searched for ObjectReference{1,2,3,4,5...}.vi files but can't find these. The "Find the control named"-dialog appears, and it asks me to find "Storage.lvclass:ObjectReference4.vi", I guess this is one of the things it has renamed, the original name were Storage.lvclass:ObjectReference.ctl. It's a Enum inside a datalog refnum TYPE, not a VI. All my classes has this reference and it looks for all of them. One "...:ObjectReference.ctl" has not been renamed, but it still can't find it.Then LabVIEW just crashes. Ideas? //Mikael
  6. Hi scripting lovers. Since bundle and unbundle of clusters in cluster don't work, I've had to do it in an diffrent way. (See attached project-LV8.2). The application is not nice written, it's just a proof of concept Cheers, Mikael Download File:post-941-1164798434.zip
  7. Confirming!! It worked for me yesterday perfect. But today, it doesn't , I can't select items in sub-clusters anymore...
  8. You can do a lot with the picture control, but you could always try some Active-X containers. E.g http://www.nwoods.com/ ..and here is just a funny picture control example (I just it as a splash screen for my UML-editor). SplashScreen.llb //Mikael
  9. Have you tried a simple <br> //Mikael
  10. Correct Chris, pure LabVIEW. I could develop the software as soon as we added inheritance in GOOP. It was actually to prove to my self that LabVIEW (using GOOP) now supported all features an OOP-language needed. The only thing I miss is interface (but there is a couple of things you can do to solve this, X-Node is one way to go). One benefits of using a good OO-deisgn with inheritance, was that it only took me 4 hours to create a new UML diagram type (UseCase-Diagram), with the tools and symbols. //Mikael
  11. Hi The UML modeller is mora a graphical tool (like mspaint) then a UML 2.0 editor. E.g. -I also use it to analyses tables in datbases and draw these tables as classes in a class diagram. -A can stereotype a class to enum, and let it generate these. There is a video demo you can find here tht shows some basic features: Demo video //Mikael
  12. Hi guys! I'm the developer of the UML tool in LabVIEW (EndevoUML). Since we're upgrading our GOOP tools to support NI's build in GOOP as well as our own, I'm using a more flexible design, so the UML tool and the GOOP wizard can use custom made GOOP-kernels. My latest plan is to integrate our UML-program into LabVIEWs project environment. So you could right click in the project tree and select "Add Class diagram"/"Add State Diagram" If you have features you would like to see in this tool or if you want to become a beta tester give me a mail.
  13. The old ini keys seem to work, yes but to get the full scripting feature unlock you have to go into the License Manager and type in a password :-( I've asked NI to give me a "temporary key" to play with but Haven't heard anything yet. (I use the scripting feature in my UML Modeller) Cheers Mikael
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