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  1. Hi, My LabVIEW 2016 32 bit is crashing a lot. I can guess it is related to: 1. incompatibility with DAQmx 9.1.5 and the related device driver which I need for LabVIEW 8.5.1 which I also use (NI's support jumped on that issue yet I think it is not related) 2. an addon that I use to access OpenCV leaving some references open in the dlls 3. Controls with same label or with no label (I believe that this is the issue -LV can't recover correctly in such cases) However, I don't want to guess like NI's support that it is point 1 and do nothing to prove it. I expect to see the reason in a log file yet the support wasn't able to show me where to find it. Searching around I found the dmp file under documents\LabVIEWdata Is that the way to check those crashes or one of you know of a better way to check it beside elimination? Thanks in advance
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