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Found 2 results

  1. I can very repeatedly hang LabVIEW 2017 without even running a VI. It involves simply changing the y-scale mapping on a graph to be logarithmic. The best I can tell is that the initial (linear) scaling has the same max/min range values and this causes the problem somehow. Does this happen in other versions of LabVIEW? (I'm using 17.0.1.f4, 64-bit.) And more importantly, how can I avoid this issue if I want to use log scaling and the data may start with a bunch of identical (positive-definite) values? I'm using the "XY Graph (silver)" control. I haven't yet replicated the problem with the standard "XY Graph" control, either because I haven't created the right conditions or because that control doesn't have the issue. But I'd like to avoid switching out all my (many) graphs, in any case. CrashDemo.vi
  2. Hey y'all, Wanted to look for some feedback on some code I made for troubleshooting crashes and hangs for medium to large LabVIEW applications. Wanted a way for a user experiencing a crash/hang to have a simple way of narrowing down where the problem is occurring. The VI is named Crash Logger.vi and it only requires the VI itself to use. No type def's, additional VI's, or other necessary parts. The reason for this is so that a user can drop it in multiple parts of their application and have it log the current state and some information on system state to narrow down where a crash/hang is occurring. I've gotten some feedback from friend's regarding making it a global variable that wrote to variables and had a separate VI to do the logging, but this takes away the "ease of use" I am going for for the user. I've included an example application to show how it can be used for a simple state machine. I'd love getting more insight into what I could do better though which is why I'm coming here! Let me know what y'all think! - Bear Crash Logger Project and VI.zip Crash Logger.vi
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