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Found 2 results

  1. I am designing a new project and I need to know if I can get away with purchasing 2 9181 chassis instead of one 9188 chassis. I will be using a 9213 for thermocouple readings and a 9208 for 4-20mA current readings. The signals dont nee to be syncronized and will only have to read once a minute or so. My question is whether or not I can read the signals from both chassis at the same time through MAX and easily imput into a LabVIEW program. I am currently using a single 9188 to accomplish the same tasks at a different location but am trying to cut costs on the next project. The 9184 is not an option due to the software version I am running.
  2. I'm using a cRIO with multiple NI modules and an S.E.A Gxxx 3G Module installed in Slot 1. For all NI modules I can programmatically read its corresponding serial number using a property node on the FPGA. However, this is not the case for the Gxxx 3G module, as no properties appear for this module. The frustrating thing is that in order to access this module from the real-time code, the module's serial number is required. For a single cRIO unit this would be acceptable, however I'll be deploying many many more than just a few and I really want to avoid manual inputs for obvious reasons. Can anyone please help me? Thanks.
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