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  1. View File LabVIEW Task Manager (LVTM) LabVIEW Task Manager v1.10.0 (for LV2013+) This code is Open-Source, and free of charge Authors: Ravi Beniwal, Tim Vargo LAVA Names: Ravi Beniwal, TimVargo Contact Info: Contact via PM at the LAVA site (http://lavag.org) LabVIEW Versions Supported: LV2013 and up LabVIEW Versions Tested on: LV2017 LV2016 LV2013 Dependencies: GPower Error & Warning = lava_lib_tree_control_api >= 1.0.1-1 NI SmartBalloon = OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Comparison Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG Error Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: LabVIEW Task Manager is a debugging tool for use during LabVIEW code development. An expandable/collapsible tree diagram displays detailed information (both static and dynamic) on all VIs in memory, belonging to a selected project/target. It allows for interacting with single or multiple selected VIs at a time, and includes the following major features: Selection of project/target Lists all VIs in memory, grouped by class/library or disk folder, or a flat list Searches for and enumerates clones in memory DropIn VI for including dynamically referenced clones (Clone Beacon) 'Refresh Now' (F5) re-reads all VIs in memory and adds new ones to the tree Displays VI name, owning class/library, state, path, data size & code size Displays VI FP Behavior, Reentrant?, Reentrancy Type, Paused? & Highlight? Group by Class/Library or Folder, or display a Flat List Sort by any column, ascending or descending Filter out item types vi, ctl, and vit/ctt Filter out vi.lib and global VIs Filter out items from being displayed, per folder paths. Tracking of, and ability to toggle, execution highlighting on multiple selected VIs Tracking of paused VIs with ability to Pause/Resume/TogglePause multiple selected VIs DropIn VI for pausing only while debugging If a clone initiates a pause, a different pause symbol is used for all clones of that same reentrant original VI Select multiple VIs and open or close their FPs or BDs Double Click a VI from the tree to bring the BD (first choice) or FP to front, if already open Select multiple top-level VIs and Abort them Remotely close any VI's Front Panel Installation and Instructions: Install this tool by using the VI Package Manager to install its associated package file (.vip). Installation requires VIPM 2014 or higher, which is available for free from jki.net (http://jki.net/vipm). Invoke the LVTM tool from your dev environment menu: Tools > LAVA > LabVIEW Task Manager Known Issues: Cannot abort SubVIs launched from remote VI Server or local Asynch Call By Ref Submitter TimVargo Submitted 07/01/2014 Category LabVIEW IDE LabVIEW Version
  2. Version v1.10.0 (for LV2013+)


    LabVIEW Task Manager v1.10.0 (for LV2013+) This code is Open-Source, and free of charge Authors: Ravi Beniwal, Tim Vargo LAVA Names: Ravi Beniwal, TimVargo Contact Info: Contact via PM at the LAVA site (http://lavag.org) LabVIEW Versions Supported: LV2013 and up LabVIEW Versions Tested on: LV2017 LV2016 LV2013 Dependencies: GPower Error & Warning = lava_lib_tree_control_api >= 1.0.1-1 NI SmartBalloon = OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Comparison Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG Error Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: LabVIEW Task Manager is a debugging tool for use during LabVIEW code development. An expandable/collapsible tree diagram displays detailed information (both static and dynamic) on all VIs in memory, belonging to a selected project/target. It allows for interacting with single or multiple selected VIs at a time, and includes the following major features: Selection of project/target Lists all VIs in memory, grouped by class/library or disk folder, or a flat list Searches for and enumerates clones in memory DropIn VI for including dynamically referenced clones (Clone Beacon) 'Refresh Now' (F5) re-reads all VIs in memory and adds new ones to the tree Displays VI name, owning class/library, state, path, data size & code size Displays VI FP Behavior, Reentrant?, Reentrancy Type, Paused? & Highlight? Group by Class/Library or Folder, or display a Flat List Sort by any column, ascending or descending Filter out item types vi, ctl, and vit/ctt Filter out vi.lib and global VIs Filter out items from being displayed, per folder paths. Tracking of, and ability to toggle, execution highlighting on multiple selected VIs Tracking of paused VIs with ability to Pause/Resume/TogglePause multiple selected VIs DropIn VI for pausing only while debugging If a clone initiates a pause, a different pause symbol is used for all clones of that same reentrant original VI Select multiple VIs and open or close their FPs or BDs Double Click a VI from the tree to bring the BD (first choice) or FP to front, if already open Select multiple top-level VIs and Abort them Remotely close any VI's Front Panel Installation and instructions: Install this tool by using the VI Package Manager to install its associated package file (.vip). Installation requires VIPM 2014 or higher, which is available for free from jki.net (http://jki.net/vipm). Known Issues: Cannot abort SubVIs launched from remote VI Server or local Asynch Call By Ref
  3. Hi everyone, I would like to program some little extra functionality to the Blockdiagram Editor. In detail I want to write a tool, that allows me to drag a node over a wire and then automatically inserts it to the wire if it fits (e.g. drag a subVI into an error-wire). I guess I know/can figure out how to write that functionality using VI scripting, but I'm not sure how to implement it to run whenever I edit a VI. My first approach is to write a simple scripting-VI, that I will run whenever I need the functionality (or just place the exe in autostart). This VI will obtain the reference to the currently active blockdiagram and then uses scripting to move the node into the wire, whenever I drag a node. But this seems very inefficient, though I know that controlling a drag-operation via VI-Server is inefficient anyway. My basic question is: Is there a way in LabVIEW to implement LabVIEW-Written functionality to the whole editor? So I don't want to activate anything via Right-Click- or Quickdrop-Plugins. It should be a background VI running constantly, or maybe a solution using internal LabVIEW-Events such as starting a drag-operation on the blockdiagram. It would be great, if anyone can give me hints or maybe even examples for how to solve this. I would be happy about any different ways on implementing the functionality from my first sentence, but basically its not about the functionality itself and more about curiosity on if there is a way to solve it all using LabVIEW. Maybe I want to write different tools as well then. Thanks for any replies in advance!! Best, Jan
  4. During a presentation at NI Week, sorry can't remember which one exactly, the presenter suggested that the "Mark Balla Tool" was a great piece of IDE support code to have. This code was a utility VI or VIs that was said to be available on the code repository. I can't seem to find it. Can anyone point me in the correct direction? Thanks WireWarrior
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