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Trac with Subversion

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I'm using them both and they work as advertised. I think Subversion on the server and TortoiseSVN on the client side are a little more refined for windows use than Trac. I found that setting up Trac was a bit cumbersome because its mainly command line based. It also has a lot of prequiste software that also needs to be installed (apache,python, etc). But if your comfortable with Python, etc it will be easy.

The one thing I wish trac had was the ability to create tickets with deadlines that could be displayed in a Gantt chart on the web interface. Its great for bug tracking though.

The other experience I had with Trac was on the customer side. When I first installed Trac, I set up customers with access to the web interface and the capability to add bugs etc. Turns out they mostly want to just send emails or right down bugs on a piece of paper and hand it to me to enter into Trac.

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