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Multiple DAQmx tasks Error 50103


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Error -50103 occurred at an unidentified location

Possible reason(s):

NI Platform Services: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.

This means you're likely trying to do the same class of task at the same time on the same device - for instance, if the task is analog in and you've already got an analog in task running on the device, you can't start another (if the device has a single ADC - some have multiple ADCs and you can do this - you'll have to read the device manual). You can, in general, do things like an analog in and analog out on the same device at the same time since they use different physical components of the device.


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I've also seen this if you have MAX open in the background and have a task running and simply forgot to stop it. Closing MAX will stop the task.

Not sure what happens if you run a task in LabVIEW but don't do cleanup on that task (say if you use the stop button instead of using cleanup), this may still hold the resource preventing you from starting another task.

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