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Vectrino (ADV) and LabVIEW integration


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Dear all,

I am a new using LabVIEW , and need to collect the velocity data from Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) in LabVIEW. 

How can I  integrate the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) to Labview , ?

Anyone can help me will be so appreciated .

Thank in advance



Unfortunately you're asking a very broad question. There is a very long list of ways LabVIEW can collect data from devices (voltage, current loop, ICP, RS232 serial, GPIB, TCP, UDP, CAN, manufacturer provided DLL...) , so you need to know how the device talks as a start.

Posted (edited)

I have no experience with this one, but I do with Gill sonic anemometers, and I don't think the story must be very different. These are probes which provide a continuous stream of 3d velocity data, usually on a serial port, using some simple communication protocol of their own but documented. Normally all that is required is setting the work range and sampling frequency, and then just log the incoming data, for archival/online processing/whatever (which is application dependent).

https://www.nortekgroup.com/products/vectrino?p=en/products/velocimeters/vectrino (click on Technical Specification/Data Communication) gives some hint about being a) serial b) supported by some software or SDK. Beyond this, homework. You know, handling serial communication, sending command words, parsing incoming strings, logging data.

Edited by ensegre

Hello all

I am currently doing a research on measurement of pressure and velocity at the same time in open channel flume using configuration of VI LABVIEW. For a pressure data, they are collected by using Honeywell pressure sensor (24PCEFA6G model) connected to data logger ( NI USB 6343 ) in Analog Input channel and will be collected in VI LabVIEW configuration as the velocity does. For the velocity data , an instrument of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) from Nortex company have been chosen ,

My purpose is to measure the pressure and velocity simultaneously  in VI LabVIEW . Because i am a new of LabVIEW and coding so i have an issue to integrate of the ADV with LabVIEW , and how to collect the data in 3D as the measurement in Vectrino software does.

Unfortunately, i cannot find any similar resource of this integration ,  

Velocity :

ADV characteristic %

1. Type of system : vectrino velocimeter-     fixed stem

2. software version : 1.20+

3. Firmware version: 1.31+

3. cable : 10 m length

4. connector : 12 pin IP 68

5. communication I/O: RS232

6. Baud Rate: 300 - 115 200

7: output range : 0-5 V

8. Acoustic frequency: 10MHZ

9. Resolution : 0.45 dB

10. Dynamic range : 60 dB

11, Internal sampling rate : 200 - 5000 Hz

Ensegre , could you send the code of Gill sonic anemometers that you have done with to me , and it would be possible if you try to do with the ADV in VI  LabVIEW ,

your kindly helping me is so appropriated. 

if you need any specification of this device , i am happy to send you .

I am so happy and gratitude for your help ;

The Best regard



There's plenty of examples on serial communication that ship with LabVIEW, so that's just looking at the examples and the ADV manuals/documentation on your part.

The forums is a great place to ask questions and share information however you seem to be asking for someone to spend a great deal of time working with you on this code. If that is the case, people here make a living writing LabVIEW code and I'm sure someone would be glad to provide a quote.

26 minutes ago, sochheat said:

Ensegre , could you send the code of Gill sonic anemometers that you have done with to me , and it would be possible if you try to do with the ADV in VI  LabVIEW ,

Certainly not. You see, it is not that the difference with these anemometers and yours consists in the length of the cable and in the firmware version. The general principle of the instrument may be similar, but the protocols they may have chosen to deliver the data will certainly differ.

You have to look up your documentation and understand which kind of commands and data your instrument talks. And you have to get familiar enough with labview to be able to write a program for doing what you want.

Based on my previous experience I would guess that your instrument may accept some commands sent on the serial port, and deliver, continuously or on demand, still on the serial line, velocity datapoints. Your program will have to receive this data, parse it and interpret it. The format chosen might be ASCII or binary, this I don't know. The basic building blocks of your program may include VISA read, VISA write and scan from string. Beyond that the business logic is all yours.

A further issue you might have, is how to synchronize the anemometer with the readout of the other instruments. As I don't know details, I can't recommend. Basically, every device would run on its own clock, and replies to the computer with its own delays and latency, unless there is a way to ensure the sync - a trigger, for instance.


Since you're using the USB-6343 to read analog signals from your measurement devices, you will need the DAQmx toolkit installed. After you install this, you should be able to access the "Create DAQmx task" and "DAQmx Read" functions (either you can look for these on the right-click pallets, or you can ctrl-space, then type in the name). Using these commands, and reading the available "help" (ctrl-h, then hover over the item you want help with), you should be able to determine how to get the analog measurements you need.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all

Sorry that i am so late to come in ,

For the pressure measurement, i have configured it all in the task of VI LabVIEW and I can get the pressure data normally , but for the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV or Vectrino) still has the problem with the VISA software communication. 

It shows an error of VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001D) The specified attribute is not defined or supported by the referenced resource . how can this problem be solved ?

your advice is so appreciated

thank you

vectrino port(2).PNG

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