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How to clear the strange breakpoint?

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Hi, I set a breakpoint on outer frame of the Sequence .and it can not be deleted!

There is always a red rectangle on the frame!!

Somebody helps me.

To clear a brekpoint on the outer frame, you usually need to click on the border of the structure itself. If this doesn't help, for some reason, you can right click and remove the sequence and then rebuild it.

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To clear a brekpoint on the outer frame, you usually need to click on the border of the structure itself. If this doesn't help, for some reason, you can right click and remove the sequence and then rebuild it.

But this sequence is so big and many registers connected into it.it's impossible to rebuild it.

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Hi Alphaone:

As Yen says, you should be able to clear the breakpoint by clicking on the outer edge of the frame with the breakpoint tool. And ususally this works for me...

But If I set the breakpoint, then turn off debugging in the "vi properties... executuion" panel, the breakpoint stays set (or at least the red rectangle stays there) and can not be cleared.

Turning on debugging in vi properties let me again turn off the breakpoint.

(Seems like a bug to me... the breakpoint ought to go away automatically when you turn off debugging, but perhaps there's a good reason for it to stay, haven't looked closely at this.)

Anyway, Hope I've helped a little.

Best Regards, Louis

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It will be nice to have a "Clear All Breakpoints" feature (from the menu). Just like MS Visual Studio, for instance.


I don't think I'd use a "Clear All Breakpoints" function - I use breakpoints for a reason (debugging code), and I'd like all my co-developers to have to clear them manually after they've assesed that the code has been properly debugged...

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I don't think I'd use a "Clear All Breakpoints" function - I use breakpoints for a reason (debugging code), and I'd like all my co-developers to have to clear them manually after they've assesed that the code has been properly debugged...

I beg to differ. Case in point: we're happily debugging and adding breakpoints left-n-right as we go. We finally find and fix the problem. At this stage, I shouldn't have to go to each breakpoint -- some of which I don't even remember where I put them (may be in a false case which doesn't get exercised under normal operation, for instance) and clear them manually.


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Well I'll be a monkey's uncle!


We have a bonafide bug...

ohhhhhh. i don't understand the meaning of "bonafide", i can't find it in my translation software. lol

i have another question :

how to use the VI refnum programtically??as we know, we must select a vi server manuelly ,and i want to use vi path as a parameter to set the vi refnum when the program is running.Can it work??


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ok,the attachment is the strange BP vi.i delete the non-relative parts.

i hope that's not a bug. good luck.

I don't know if it will work for you with the original code but I was able to get the breakpoint to go away when I right-clicked the flat sequence and then selected "replace with stacked sequence". It remained gone after converting it back to a flat sequence the same way.

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I don't know if it will work for you with the original code but I was able to get the breakpoint to go away when I right-clicked the flat sequence and then selected "replace with stacked sequence". It remained gone after converting it back to a flat sequence the same way.

Thanks, it works. but i must re-arrange the layout. :wacko:

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I beg to differ. Case in point: we're happily debugging and adding breakpoints left-n-right as we go. We finally find and fix the problem. At this stage, I shouldn't have to go to each breakpoint -- some of which I don't even remember where I put them (may be in a false case which doesn't get exercised under normal operation, for instance) and clear them manually.


I understand your situation, but using this function could just as easily clear a breakpoint in an area that yo're not working. Also, if you're in a multi-developer team then you could be clearing breakpoints put in by other coders that you're not even aware of. I just think that you'll have to be careful when using this tool - it's like hitting ctrl+B to delete all broken wires: sure, you'll get your unbroken run button back, but you could be doing a whole lotta damage without even knowing it (and with no indiscation that you've done it)

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... Also, if you're in a multi-developer team then you could be clearing breakpoints put in by other coders that you're not even aware of. ...

I agree we have to be careful. However, I am not sure checking-in code with breakpoints is a good practice -- especially on multi-developer projects. IMHO, the scope of debugging should be local to each developer, and thus only the individual's VIs should have the breakpoints she wants (clearing them before checking-in). Imagine hitting breakpoints in places we least expect (and care!). It's like when people check-in broken VIs on a multi-developer project -- well not as bad, but still intrusive. But I guess that's a topic for another discussion :)



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