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how use image navigator


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I have no idea what you want, but the image navigator (at least in the versions before 8) is simply a browser for images which you can right click to modify and copy to use in your application. You're not supposed to use it for anything other than edit time design.

If you want to access the actual image files, I believe they're simply WMF files found in one of the folders (probably National Instruments\Shared\DSC\Something or something similar, I don't remember exactly).


I can't try this at the moment, but I believe all you have to do is right click the image in the navigator, copy it and then paste it in the diagram.

I have found when editing controls that LV's clipboard does not always get the images from the OS clipboard, so I often have to paste the image in the control editor and then right click it and select Copy to Clipboard, so you might need to do the same.

Why do you want to place images in the block diagram?

thank u for yen

i can put image in front panel

but i can't use in Block Didgram

how i can find the control in BD

An image is not a control! An image is an image is an image and simply nothing more. As such it is just a decoration.

Using the control editor in LabVIEW you can modify existing LabVIEW controls to use images from the image navigator as sub parts of that control. Each LabVIEW control consists of at least one subpart (simple boolean button) or more (for instance the housing, slider, increment/decrement arrow, filler, etc for a slider).

The LabVIEW control editor is accessed by selecting a control with the right mouse button and then selecting Advanced->Customize Control. Beware the control editor is some sort of graphics editor but with limited customizing (you can only change the face and size of parts not more) and it is sometimes a little jirky to use, but if you invest some time you can really get very nice controls done.

Rolf Kalbermatter

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