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LabVIEW BD functions, controls, indicators as emoticons

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I was responding to a homework type post this morning. I wanted to help, but wasn't prepared to create an example, SnagIt, save as GIF, then upload.

I was sort of wishing I could have quickly placed a couple of BD function icons to help the poster. I then thought of the INI file WIKI and showing the datatype graphically http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5800. :lightbulb: I realized that it might be useful to make the BD core functions and controls/indicators into emoticons for instruction/reference.

The idea would be that one could enter something like :U32ctl: in a post and get a U32 control http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5800 or :bldarray: to get http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5801 as an emoticon.

Any thoughts? Comments?


QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 10 2007, 01:30 PM)


Sounds like a really good idea :thumbup:

As you said, it is sometimes enough to show an icon to the user, to get them on the right track.

By using these emoticons, we would also save disk on the LAVA servers.

I don't know if it is possible to add an extra "emoticon" menu to the post editor, but if it is, this menu could hold all these small LabVIEW "pictures".



QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 10 2007, 01:30 PM)


I do love the idea ! that would be so much easier than opening LabVIEW, do a snippet, make a screen-shot and post it.

This would also let us post "labview code screenshots" form a computer without LabVIEW, I do not have LV installed on my computer at home.

Question is :" is that possible ?" :o


Possibilities, possibilities ...

How do you propose to convey the desired information without wires?

What would really be great, is if there was a LabVIEW installation in a dedicated editor (with button on the compose post page, just like inserting a picture or link) on the web, that we could do the quick diagram on, etc, then hit a "publish" button, and it would be inserted into the LAVA post.


QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 10 2007, 08:03 AM)


You have this option, but it is probably more than most people want to wait for. I agree the LabView related emoticons might help some people understand a text based explanation of LabView. I don't know if Mike can add them or not, but I don't think he's added the emoticons from this page yet, so it may not be possible...


QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 10 2007, 09:03 AM)

How do you propose to convey the desired information without wires?

I didn't want to do the guy's homework, so I was trying to give him a description of what to look for. If I could easily show him ( like post-949-1178795752.gif ) then I would be closer to "teaching him to fish" without actually coding the whole thing.

The logical progression is an on-line graphical editor, but who's got the time to write that :( .


QUOTE(TiT @ May 10 2007, 02:57 PM)

I do not have LV installed on my computer at home.

What??? :o

You do know it's allowed in the license agreement, right?


QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 10 2007, 09:30 PM)

I was sort of wishing I could have quickly placed a couple of BD function icons to help the poster.

I think that's an excellent idea! Even if er don't have a menu to access them, you can still upload them to the wiki space and then reference to them (just like we're doing now with the extra emoticons) - maybe that's the solutions: create a new thread where you can add images of elements that you can reference to later.


Finally, a good way of expressing myself when I feel like a named unbundler. On other days, I feel more like a single radio button :wacko:

I like the idea, but adding it to the emoticons will make that popup several square feet large...



QUOTE(Herbert @ May 11 2007, 04:04 AM)


I'm more of a varinat... :P

QUOTE(Herbert @ May 11 2007, 04:04 AM)

I like the idea, but adding it to the emoticons will make that popup several square feet large...

I wonder if we can have more than one? One for emoticons and one for LabVIEW icons?


I'm willing to spend time into this :thumbup:

What would be the preferred file format? These will be fairly small files, so I don't think compression ratio difference will be significant. Michael had mentioned that GIF format was better for posts, but a quick web search regading Wiki images indicates that Wikis should use SVG or PNG.


QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 11 2007, 01:33 PM)

What would be the preferred file format?

I don't know SVG, so I would say PNG. It's lossless and supported by all modern browsers.

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