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LabVIEW 2025 installation on Ubuntu

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Wonder if anyone can tell me where to get an ISO file for Linux LabVIEW and, maybe, give a few pointers on how to install it, exactly.

I've tried to download it from the NI website but the "Offline Install" does not work at all and the on-line installer does something that I do not quite understand.  After all, I cannot find LabVIEW on my computer.

Any suggestions?

log.txt update.txt list.txt upgrade.txt


I'm assuming you've rebooted and everything, correct?

Is there anything in /usr/local/natinst?  It's possible that it isn't showing up in the window manager menus. 

I have 2021 community edition installed on Linux Mint 21 and see the "labview" executable (links to "labviewcommunity"):

user@linuxmint21:/usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2021-64$ ls
AppLibs   examples   labview           manuals  ProjectTemplates  README.txt  user.lib    www
cintools  help       labviewcommunity  menus    readme            resource    vi.lib
etc       instr.lib  linux             project  README.html       templates   VIObjCache

The newer versions of LabVIEW (pre 2023Q1) install as package feeds according to this page on NI's website.


Just installed it on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine, no problem.

Did you actually install LabVIEW according to the instructions @Bryan posted? Your logs only show the package feed being added to apt.

Make sure to follow the instructions from step 5 onwards. In particular, "sudo apt install ni-labview-2025-community".


With the release of version 2023Q1, LabVIEW is installed using package feeds, which is the usual method of installing software on Linux distributions.

  1. Download the  .zip file for the LabVIEW version and edition (Community, Full, Pro.) you wish to install.
  2. Open the .zip file and extract the package file (.rpm or .deb) for your Linux distribution and version. 
  3. Install the package (e.g., For Ubuntu 20.04 use: sudo apt install ./ni-labview-2023-pro_23.1.0.49229-0+f77-ubuntu2004_all.deb)
  4. When the package has installed, refresh the feeds for your package manager.
    • For example, with Ubuntu use: sudo apt update
  5. The package manager now includes feeds for the repositories that contain the edition of LabVIEW you wish to install.
  6. Install LabVIEW with the Linux distribution package manager (apt, zypper, or yum)
  7. The package name is in the format: ni-labview-<version>-<edition>
    • The name of the .rpm/.deb file you extracted has the same name formatting, with extra numbers and supported OS. 
    • LabVIEW 2023 Professional Edition is called with ni-labview-2023-pro
    • Ubuntu use: sudo apt install ni-labview-2023-pro
    • You can use the search tools in package manager to find the correct package (e.g. apt search labview-2024)
  8. Reboot the PC
  9. Note: The LabVIEW Run Time Engine (RTE) package name is labview-2023-rte.
  10. (Optional) Offline help can be installed with the ni-labview-offline-manual package.
    • e.g., sudo apt install ni-labview-offline-manual
    • Please note: The offline help application is known to be unstable on Ubuntu 22.04.

-- Install LabVIEW on Linux Operating Systems - NI



If I recall, I believe that I made the exact same mistake whenever I tried installing Community Edition on a Linux Distro for the first time. :D 

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