Mark Balla Posted July 2, 2009 Report Posted July 2, 2009 Name: Mark Balla's Icon Editor Submitter: Mark Balla Submitted: 02 Jul 2009 File Updated: 18 Oct 2009 Category: LabVIEW IDE Version: 2.3.0 LabVIEW Version: 2009 License Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Mark Balla Icon editor V2.3 October 2009 Author: Mark Balla --see readme file for contact information. Description: This is the second version of my vi icon editor and was created in LV8.2., 8.6, 2009 The purpose is to help quickly create text base icons. The editor can be used in place of the standard NI icon editor or as a stand alone vi. see instructions. Instructions: LV 2009 1:Rename the curret LabVIEW 2009 Icon editor LabVIEW 2009\resource\plugins\ to a different name so it will not be overwritten. 2: Place the three files (, color templates.bin and the folder lv_icon_Subvis) in the LabVIEW 2009\resource\plugins directory. The next time the icon editor is called LabVIEW will use the instead of the standard one. There is a button on the editor that will allow you to use NI's editor (Old editor not the new one) when a text icon is not desired. Version 2.1: Along with the auto drawing and Text compressing from version 1, version 2 has 2 new features. 1: In addition to the 2 color format in version 1 the icon editor now supports a 5 color format (Frame, Header text, Header Back, Body Text, and Body Back). This is the standard frame that many programmers use. 2: In version 2 the last 10 icon color sets are saved in a binary file and are recalled each time the editor is open. These color sets can then be selected and reused. Version 2.2: Along with the all the features from version 2.1, version 2.2 has several new features. 1: A new color picker was added. The standard NI color picker has been replaced by one that will only show the legal 221 colors allowed by LabVIEW for icons. My thanks to Justin Goeres for the idea. 2:Key navigation has improved. The key navigation will only set focus to the text boxes to navigate between boxes use the tab, enter, up and down keys. My thanks to boone_93 for the idea. 3:Improved UI. The buttons and current and previous icons have been relocated for a more intuitive look. I have also added tip strips to the buttons and history array. My thanks to ahull for the idea. 4:Random color picker. A random color button has been added to help pick colors. My thanks to Dave Graybeal for the idea. 5: FP auto centers. The icon editor will now open in the center of the primary display. My thanks to tcplomp for the code. 6: The ability to read the text in the icon was added. If the icon to be changed was previously created by this icon editor the program will automatically detect the characters in the icon and convert them back into strings. This function allows for small changes like color changes and spelling mistakes to be changed without having to type all the text over. This one was all mine. 7:Bug with Panel close fixed. When the user presses the x in the upper right corner the editor will shut down gracefully instead of locking up. I made a avi file that shows some of the new features for Version 2.2 which I posted the support thread. Version 2.3: Along with the all the features from version 2.2, version 2.3 has several new features. 1: Icon Sizing and Positioning: Now Icons to be sized smaller than 32x32 by changing the “Rows” and “Width” controls. The icon can then be positioned using the “Position” control. My thanks to tcplomp for the Idea. 2: Static or Auto sizing Icons: If the “Icon Sizing selector is set the Static the icon will only draw the number of row indicated by the “Rows” control. If the selector is set to Auto the icon will adapt to the minimum number of text lines filled in. 3: Selectable Header: The icon header can be removed or enabled by changing the state of the “Header” checkbox. 4: Header and Sizing Information Saved: The header and sizing information are now save in the template files and are displayed at the bottom in the “History” array. The sizing and header settings are shown in the icon text of each template icon the when room allows. The history array now saves the last 50 icon templates to the template file 5: Color Picker Will Save Current Color in History: To get the color picker to save a new color in the color history array click on the “Current Color” box and it will be added the color history. 6: Improved Text Fitting: Text fitting inside the icon has been improved 7: Improved Text Recognition: Text recognition of the icon characters had been improved 8: Other Improvments: all key presses are ignored until the icon is created and text is in the string controls. Please feel free to give me feedback. This version has benefited greatly from ideas given to me by coworkers and other programmers License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License For LabVIEW 8.2 , 8.5, 2009 Use the "MB Icon" file For LabVIEW 8.6 Use The "MB Icon Lor LabVIEW 2009 Use the current download Click here to download this file Quote
george seifert Posted September 10, 2009 Report Posted September 10, 2009 I just can't get used to the new editor. Mark Balla's worked great and it did all I needed. Just wondering if anyone has tried it with 2009 since it says it only works with LV 8.x. George Quote
Ton Plomp Posted September 10, 2009 Report Posted September 10, 2009 I have had it installed with the Beta, so I think the released version will work as well. Still have to make the official transition. Ton Quote
Mark Balla Posted October 18, 2009 Author Report Posted October 18, 2009 I've updated the icon editor to include a 2009 version. Quote
Helios Posted October 19, 2009 Report Posted October 19, 2009 On 10/18/2009 at 5:47 PM, Mark Balla said: I've updated the icon editor to include a 2009 version. An update? wow...too bad i can't download it......the link is broken.. Quote
Michael Aivaliotis Posted October 19, 2009 Report Posted October 19, 2009 On 10/19/2009 at 4:23 AM, Helios said: An update? wow...too bad i can't download it......the link is broken.. Hmm, not sure what happened to this one. We're looking into it. Sorry. Quote
Helios Posted October 20, 2009 Report Posted October 20, 2009 Okay thanks Michael. I used to use this Icon editor before i crashed my computer. I modified it so that i can edit several VI at once or all VI in same folder, and alas, it's all gone...start from scratch again, hahaha Quote
Mark Balla Posted October 20, 2009 Author Report Posted October 20, 2009 It looks like the old one was deleted. (probably my fault) I've created a new one Here and a new disccussion was created also Quote
Mark Balla Posted October 21, 2009 Author Report Posted October 21, 2009 On 10/20/2009 at 8:56 AM, Helios said: Thanks a lot Mark. Glad you are finding the Icon Editor useful. I am very interested in your modification when you get them working can you post them to the "Code In development"area? Thanks Mark Quote
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