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GOOP Development Suite for LabVIEW 8.5

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If you tried installing the Endevo GOOP Development Suite v1.0 on LabVIEW 8.5 you have noticed it doesn't work. :headbang:

We have fixed this and there is now an installer available for LabVIEW 8.5. :thumbup:

The installer for LabVIEW 8.2.1 is not affected by this change.

Download the installer from:


The installer is the same for the (free!) community edition as well as for the professional version.





If you tried installing the Endevo GOOP Development Suite v1.0 on LabVIEW 8.5 you have noticed it doesn't work. :headbang:

We have fixed this and there is now an installer available for LabVIEW 8.5. :thumbup:

The installer for LabVIEW 8.2.1 is not affected by this update.

Download the installer from:


The installer is the same for the (free!) community edition as well as for the professional version.


Jan Klasson and Mike Holmström



Hi Jan,

Thanks for the great product and also for your support of the LabVIEW community!

I know how tough it is keeping up with all the changes as each new version of LabVIEW is released.




QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 22 2007, 10:46 AM)

Thanks, Jim. That link works for me.


Which of these files do I download to install the community version of the endevo GDS for 8.2.1 and 8.5? I'm not sure if I should be downloading the GDS_v1.0 files or the GDS_P2D files (the v1.0 files seem to be version P1Y?).

Also, is the "trial version" the same as the community version? I've installed the GDS_v1.0 version in LV8.5 and it says it expires in 14 days. Does the community edition have an expiration date or is there a license key I must acquire somehow to activate that mode?

What are the purchase options for the professional edition and where can I view the differences between the two?


First the downloads:

The download page I referred to (http://www.endevo.se/content/view/18/20/lang,en/) has links to the download zip files:

http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_v1.0.0(P1Y).zip (for LV 8.2.1)

http://goop.endevo.net/GDS/GDS_v1.0(LV85).zip (for LV 8.5)

It is the same installer for trial (of professional), community edition, and professional edition. It is the license key which controls what features are accessed. The trial is for the professional version without any limitations of functionality. The professional trial will automatically downgrade to community edition after a month. You can contact Endevo (sales@endevo.se) for prolonged trials.

Community edition is not time limited. The key: COMM-UNIT-YEDI-TION-2007 is valid through 2007. By the end of this year Endevo will provide a community key for 2008 which will require a reactivation, we will continue to provide a community edition for as long as we support the tool. The reason we timelimited the key is to track to what extent the free tool is actually used.

To read more about the tool and the differences between community and professional, pricing etc visit our home page:


You can also browse the help manual on-line:


The community edition is limited in the following ways:

  • It does not support the Endevo GOOP 3 class architecture.
  • Maximum number of classes in a project is 10.
  • There is no support.
  • There is no update class to latest class template feature.

Using the community edition you can create standard LV classes from a class template as well as methods from method templates. You can also create the OpenG extension of the lvclass which provides by-reference behaviour (based on LV Queues). These class templates are BSD licensed open source and provided through OpenG. They are developed by Tomi Maila with our blessing and deep gratitude.

The Endevo GOOP 3 class model (only in professional) also provides by-reference behaviour and it is built upon the lvclass. The object kernel is shift register based and it is basically the same as the predecessor GOOP 2 which has been used since 2003 (thousands of classes hs been created using this class template). Very much proven by use in other words.

The tools has numerous features but in short:

- It is integrated in the LV project environment

- It allows you to choose between, lvclass/OpenG and (in professional) GOOP3

- It creates classes from class templates, manages icons, and stores files to disc.

- You can create methods from method templates (read/write method etc), override methods, getter and setters which reads/writes class data fields. The tool manages method icons as well.

- OpenG and GOOP 3 classes has a debugger

- You can rename or clone classes or change inheritance. The tool handles re-linking, renaming and icons.

- You can edit class wire appearence and the class glyph in the project explorer.


GOOP Development Suite v1.0 - Professional: US$800 or EUR600 or SEK5630.

We will soon provide a new version of our UML tool which integrates with the GOOP Development suite and provides round-trip engineering for all three class models. Code generation, reverse engineering and synchronization. We are planning for a community edition of the uML tool but haven't settled the features of that yet.




QUOTE(Jan Klasson @ Aug 23 2007, 04:43 AM)

Orko: Is it the .se domain your "silly firewall" don't allow access to?

No, I can get to other .se domains, but the firewall is blocking the endevo.se domain for some reason.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation on the differences of community/professional and the pricing info. I'm still locked into finishing up my current project, but I plan to use LV8.5 for the next one and that would be a perfect time to evaluate/decide on your suite!

I've heard a lot of great things about your product... :thumbup:

  • 1 month later...


We've done some updates that will be released in the next version, which is going through the last tests right now.

I suggest you try to run it again and wait a loooooong time for it to finish.

When a child class method, gets updated with a "Call Parent Method", LabVIEW some how takes looooong time to do this.

I ran a major application through this conversion and it took 63 hours to complete.

This VI was one of the hardest to create in GDS since LabVIEW crashed so many time, just by doing things in the wrong order.

Regarding the Save and Close-state, it just runs through a large array of VI refs and class refs and saves them and then closes them.

This could take some time for LabVIEW also, but the application don't have a while loop or simulare where it could get caught.




QUOTE(MikaelH @ Sep 24 2007, 01:39 AM)


We've done some updates that will be released in the next version, which is going through the last tests right now.

I suggest you try to run it again and wait a loooooong time for it to finish.

When a child class method, gets updated with a "Call Parent Method", LabVIEW some how takes looooong time to do this.

I ran a major application through this conversion and it took 63 hours to complete.

This VI was one of the hardest to create in GDS since LabVIEW crashed so many time, just by doing things in the wrong order.

Regarding the Save and Close-state, it just runs through a large array of VI refs and class refs and saves them and then closes them.

This could take some time for LabVIEW also, but the application don't have a while loop or simulare where it could get caught.



Hello Mikael,

I hope this updates will make the conversion go much faster!

This is one (out of about 40) of the smalest classes i have. If i have to convert them all like this i need a whole year for it.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ad

Sorry for not coming back to you until now.

I tried to run the conversion application on your classes, but a GoopDebug class seams to be missing, and some other VIs.

But I disconnected the GOOPDebug class reference from its typedef (this way I could run the application without errors), and could convert the 2 classes very easy.

Download File:post-941-1192014888.zip

I've attached the converted classes into a 8.5 project here.

This conversion was made using GDS 2.0, which will be available for you all this or next week :-)

BTW In the community edition of version 2, the EndevoGOOP3 classes will be available as well.



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