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company internal LabVIEW user group


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Do you have any experiense on internal user group?

I work in a company were labview is diffused, and i'm looking for suggestion and direct experiences from how partecipate or better manage, this kind of group.



Here, in the US, NI has been know to organize user group meeting at company site (if there is a large enough number of participant). If this is what you are asking about and you have local NI sales people, you might want to contact NI.



QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Aug 24 2007, 11:24 AM)

Here, in the US, NI has been know to organize user group meeting at company site (if there is a large enough number of participant). If this is what you are asking about and you have local NI sales people, you might want to contact NI.


more owherr less.

NI just come in my company presentig latest product or new cool technology, this is a very good us, but what i want is create an internal u.g. created by company people for company people.

this kind o user group should be most focused or real company issue and should be a good way for knowledge circulation, of couse NI may be an important actor in this scene but i would like to concentrate more on internal culture diffusion then knowledge of new products



I started a NI user group for my company just like what you are asking about. We meet once every six months, and we have a 20 minute presentation by one of the members of the user group on a recent project involving LabView and/or CVI. We've been going for 2 1/2 years now and its been worthwhile. We have had 12 to 17 people attend these group meetings so far, and our local NI rep has been gracious enough to provide lunch for the group in exchange for getting to present for 10 minutes on the latest NI product / software he thinks our group might find interesting. We then eat for 30 - 45 minutes and everyone goes back to thier office. I think we could meet more often, but twice a year keeps the pressure to find something to present about to a minimum. I think its worth it, if only to get a chance to meet others in your company who are using LabView.


I work for a US Navy installation, and we have LabVIEW developers diffused throughout the base that have little in common (project wise) but all share a common need for better understanding and differing viewpoints of LabVIEW and other NI software/hardware. The user group that we've started is brand new (we've only had one meeting so far) but the benefits of having one, if only to meet once every few months, are great in my eyes. All it took was for me to talk with my local NI rep and have him contact all of the developers he knew of in the area to get it started.


QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Aug 26 2007, 07:06 PM)

That's it? Not nearly often enough in my opinion.

And your suggestion would be? I've been avoiding more freqent gatherings because of topic scarcity and the lack of people who are willing to present.


Thank you guys for the feedbacks

My next step will be contatc my local NI rep and speak with him about my idea.

i'll kepp you informed (if you want ;) )



QUOTE(Ale914 @ Aug 30 2007, 07:14 AM)

If you are ever in need of content, there are User Group Presentations published on the http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/5057' target="_blank">LabVIEW Zone User Groups page., and there are new presentations published each quarter. You can also submit your own presentations and provide feedback within the same page.

If you need any specific help or content, you can feel free to request that through the website also.




QUOTE(JeffPhillips @ Aug 31 2007, 10:31 PM)

Hey, some of these look nice and I haven't seen them before (e.g. the data types one).

Thanks, Jeff.

P.S. Welcome to LAVA, how about trying to convince some more NI personnel to post here?

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