New Parents:
In between changing diapers and cleaning burp rags, take a moment to consider your child's future. Will your little one be able to make it in the rough and tumble world of the future? Yes, but only if you provide the right tools. And what could be more important to your child's future than LabVIEW? Sure, you could make a couple extra house payments, but will that help your child's education? No. Good parents know that a child's work prospects depend on a fully licensed copy of LabVIEW. You can help them out tomorrow by your actions today! Just start sending annual checks in the amount of $3000 every year to "National Instruments." We'll hold onto those funds for you and when your child is old enough to need their own block diagrams, you'll have built up a tidy nest egg, which NI will generously apply to the annual Software Subscription Package. If you make this easy payment of just $250 each month, by the time your child is 18, you'll likely have enough saved for them to have six or even seven years of LabVIEW enjoyment*, more than enough time for them to establish themselves in the industry. Act now, and you can also establish separate trust funds for your child's TestStand, Diadem and MeasurementStudio!
Why would you wait? Even while you think about the value of this offer, your child is getting older. Start sending those checks today!*
* accounting for likely increases in SSP cost
** This message not endorsed by NI, its affiliates or my managers
*** Congratulations, Jim!