I don't think I've ever said that this scam is a "huge" "conspiration" of scientists. There are a few at UEA that most definitely conspired - on numerous occasions - but it's bigger than that. It's in-your-face FRAUD. It's not much of a conspiracy if major players are refusing to release data under Freedom of Information Act requests where the requests themselves are public knowledge and open for scrutiny. Governments and politicians are not scientists but they are heavily involved in this scam and again, it's not much of a conspiracy since many of the nations involved are democratic and open. The media spikes stories all the time if it does not fit the political view of the station managers and owners. That's why "mainstream" sources such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, BBC, NYT, NPR all pretty much say the same thing about GW/"CC" and are not reporting much on it unless it supports GW/"CC". But we have alternatives to the alphabet soup. That is why I don't think of it as a "conspiracy". But I could understand how it could be considered a conspiracy if you are only getting your news from mainstream sources and not paying much attention to anything else.