Glad to hear it's not a homework.
To add or delete users from the database, you will have to have a file which contains you credentials.
Steps to implement:
1- Create a file that will contain the usernames, passwords (encrypted would be best...) and privileges. (You can "salt" your encryption
If your file will be small, load its content on initialization and store it in the Cluster from easy access.
If your file is to be deployed, create VIs to access the file throughout your program (call when needed).
2- Create a VI that will read the data from file and a VI that writes (or modifies) the data in file.
3- Add two states in the case structure for saving to file and reading from it. These states will be called when you have a logon (read) or add/delete user credentials (write).
4- Create two more states (add user / delete user) and associate the buttons for adding and deleting users in the Event structure to call these states when required. You will handle all the hiding/showing of controls in these states. These options will be revealed in the Login state if the user has logged in as an admin. If so, enqueue a new state to reveal the "Add user" and "Delete user" on the front panel.
5- In the Event structure (Idle state), associate the OK button from the delete or add users and call a sequence of states (using Queue VIs) to perform the necessary actions (Show/Hide stuff, read database, write to database, verification, etc.)
Try this and upload your modified code if you need more help.