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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2011 in all areas

  1. I haven't yet grasped what 'hero" means, but I do feel that the word is overused. Anyway, I'd suggest that there is great reward received by those that develop CR code, LV Wikis and posts on LAVA. I couldn't begin to pay for the code review, tips and suggestions that I've recieved here. Adding three projects to the CR was a small price to pay (not that it was required) compared to the benefit I've received by participating in this community. I don't belong among advanced architects, but I can follow some of the advanced topics discussed here and it seems that everyone is benefiting from the discussions. I almost wrote that I don't see anything selfless in these forums, but I really do. When a LabVIEW beginner asks a simple question and receives an answer from an advanced LabVIEW professional, I see something selfless and beautiful. Perhaps your reward is the good feeling you get after doing it, but I think it's more that you're very nice people. Prov. 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. It applies to LabVIEW, too.
    1 point
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