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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2011 in all areas

  1. A warning about those VIs: Vista and Windows 7 impose more strict security on direct access to hardware. If you want to manipulate the parallel port, use VISA. There's an example that ships with LabVIEW. That said, the likely reason is that the required DLL is not being copied to you application's data folder. This is not surprising, given that those VIs shouldn't be used in the first place. See here: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/496CD7613F331EA4862571E200633507
    2 points
  2. Here are the VIs we use for Windows authentication and domain groups. Validate Username and Password.vi takes the username and password and returns a TRUE if it validates against the domain controller. User in Group.vi takes a username (or current user if left blank) and a Domain Group name and returns TRUE if the user is a member. User Groups.vi takes a username (or current user if left blank) and returns an array of Domain Groups to which the user belongs. We only use these on our internal network, so I can't guarantee they work in every situation. Still, they may give you a starting point if you need something similar. Pat P.S. LabVIEW 2010sp1 User Groups.vi User in Group.vi Validate Username and Password.vi
    2 points
  3. Is there an easy way to use windows authentication within LabVIEW? Tried to browse through . net functions but I couldn’t find a usefull one… I’m using a 64 bit windows 7 system and I want a function that checks if the user and password combination is valid and which groups the user is member of. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  4. Omega is NOT ASCII code 234. It may be so in one or several specific codepages but Windows knows literally dozens of codepages. They usually (not always) produce the same glyph for the ASCII codes 1 to 127 but have wildly varying glyphs for the codes 128 and higher. And different fonts support different codepages but are not equivalent to them. There are two ways to deal with this to be able to display more than 128 different character glyphs at the same time. Traditionally older systems used a Multibyte encoding scheme which is what LabVIEW uses too,. The second is Unicode, which is nowadays kind of common as far as platform support goes, but support on application level varies wildly with many applications still not being able to deal with Unicode properly. Also Unicode has some issues as far as collation tables and such go. There is the official standard from the Unicode consortium and the defacto standard as implemented by Microsoft in Windows. They differ in subtle but sometimes important ways, to make it very hard to write a multilanguage application that uses the same code base for Windows and non-Windows systems.
    1 point
  5. What is an Array? (see next) Shaun's answer provides the number of visible elements for an Array control. However you could get the 'Value' of the array control, that would return a Variant with the OpenG function Array Size(s) the actual size of the data stored in the control: Ton
    1 point
  6. I had the same weird thing with the dialog disappearing - my solution was to throw together this little VI to recursively set the property on all VIs in a folder - it's a little quick and dirty but does the trick Mark as Source Only.vi
    1 point
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