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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2011 in all areas

  1. I am very pleased to announce the release of the OpenG String Library package as the features were driven by the LAVA community. This package will be available for download through VIPM in a few days. Thanks to Ed Dickens for helping to review changes. And thank you to everyone who participated in the online discussions. Changelog: [MOD] 3303663 - Format Variant Into String__ogtk.vi doesn't handle Timestamp [MOD] 3292424 - Update Trim Whitespace with Fast Trim [FIX] 3275381 - "Slice String__ogtk.vi" has Input or RHS of Connector Pane [FIX] 1958939 - "Scan Variant from String" missing description [MOD] 3275249 - Update OpenG Comment [FIX] 3386135 - OpenG Comment not Merge VI in palette [MOD] 1914597 - Format Variant Into String missing DAQ, DAQmx, and VISA type [MOD] 921506 - "Format Variant Into String" should accept RefNums [NEW] 3419755 - Create new String To Character Array VI Below are some of the changes in detail. New, Faster Trim Whitespace Code This was the first community review that integrated Shaun R's Fast Trim code which was further optimized by Darin K. The VI is ~7x faster than the native implementation! New String To Character Array VI Wouter proposed this new VI which splits a string into an array where each element is a character. The code was optimised by Fab and Darin K. Slice String Connector Pane Fixed The connector pane for Slice String no longer has an input on the right hand side. The original VI was deprecated. I64, U64, VISA, DAQ, Timestamp Support Added to Format Variant to String and Scan Variant From String One of the more requested features is that the Timestamp datatype is now supported in these VIs. ISO 8601 was proposed by Phillip as the default timestamp format however, you can specify any %T type formatting. Thanks to Mellroth with helping out with the format code. Once you have installed the new package, download this snippet to test for yourself: Kind regards Jonathon Green OpenG Manager
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