Here is a quote from the CVi documentation:
int LaunchExecutable (char filename[]);
Starts running a program and returns without waiting for the program to exit.
Note If you want to wait for the program to exit, use the system function in the ANSI C Library.
The program must be an actual executable; that is, you cannot launch commands intrinsic to a command interpreter.
The executable can be either a DOS or Windows executable, including *.exe, *.com, *.bat, and *.pif files.
.exe, .com, and .bat DOS programs use the settings in _default.pif (in the Windows directory) when running. You can change their priority, display options, and so on., by editing _default.pif or by creating another .pif file. Refer to for information about creating and editing .pif files.
If you need to execute a command built into such as copy, dir, and others, you can call LaunchExecutable with the following command: /C DosCommand args
where DosCommand is the shell command you want to execute. For example, the following command string copies file.tmp from the temp directory to the tmp directory: /C copy c:\\temp\\file.tmp c:\\tmp
Note If you want to monitor whether the launched executable has terminated, use LaunchExecutableEx.
In other words: It should work...