What use cases are you trying to solve? I want paragraphs describing particular functionality that you cannot achieve with the AF as it stands before we introduce new options. I created the AF in response to one repeated observation: many users need to write systems for parallel actor-like systems, but it takes lots of time to design one that is actually stable, and it is incredibly easy to destabilize them with the addition of features. I've built a few of these systems both with the AF and with other communications systems, and they are *hard* to debug, simply because of the nature of the problem. The more options that exist, the more you have to check all the plumbing when considering what could be wrong. We need the plumbing to be invisible!
I stuck "learnability" as one of the AF's top priorities. I get mocked for that claim sometimes ("You call this learnable?!") but when compared to the nature of the problem, yes, it is a very approachable solution. Introducing options is a bad thing unless we are solving a real need. So don't tell me "I can't do filtering on the queue," because that's a solution. Instead, tell me "I can't process messages fast enough" or "I need to only handle one copy of a given message every N seconds". And then we can talk through how best to implement it. In the case of filtering, there's a fairly long thread on the AF forums about various ways to do this with the current AF, and general agreement that those are *good* ways, not hacks or workarounds to compensate for a hole in the AF.
But are they limited in the types of applications they are able to write? That's the real question. Yes, the AF demands a particular programming style. That consistency is part of what makes an AF app learnable -- all the parts work the same way. If there is something that cannot be written at all with the AF, that's when we talk about introducing a new option.
So, please, spell out for me the functionality you're trying to achieve. In terms of filtration, I think that's been amply (and successfully) answered. In terms of proxying, take a look at version 4.3. If there's something else, let me know.