I created a simple Metronome actor, built a .Net Interop Assembly, and used dotPeek to poke around in it.
I'm a little unclear on exactly how one would go about using these objects in .Net code. For example, Labview doesn't have constructors, so we often manually create our own creators and call them directly. (i.e. Metronome.CreateMetronome) However, the .Net Metronome object exposed by the assembly *does* have a constructor... three of them in fact. So, is the C# code...
Metronome m = new Metronome();
the .Net equivalent of dropping a class cube on a block diagram? And I assume I'd have to follow it up with...
m = CreateMetronome(OutputQ, InputQ);
If so and there's no way to automatically bind the .Net constructor to the CreateMetronome method, then my naming convention sucks and I'll have to redo it a bit.