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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2013 in all areas

  1. This guy really knows his stuff... www(dot)controlguru(dot)com I have found that understanding the open loop response of a system is a good first step. Try to use this knowledge to develop a FeedForward model of the system and then the PID portion will be able to deal with the smaller (and hopefully linear) error left over.
    1 point
  2. Yes, the IDE is stable until a user does something less than ideal, So instead of a user having to learn what will work, perhaps the IDE can teach us what won't work. Perhaps show the user what's taking so long.
    1 point
  3. I think it is because you have the option "create table" set to true. On the first pass of the loop, it creates the table. On the second pass, the table exists and can't be overwritten. I'm guessing you've been deleting the table between runs, or are creating a new DB each time. If you need to create the table, then compare the loop iterator to zero, and use that as the input to create table.
    1 point
  4. I had created a task manager a while ago to address precisely these issues. I'm attaching the LabVIEW 2009 code for it. Please feel free to take this as the starting point and expand it further. I'd also love to work on this one more. Currently it: Lists all VIs in memory Displays basic information like VI state, path, data size, code size, FP Behavior, Reentrant? Reentrance Type, etc. Let's you select multiple VIs and open FP or BD Let's you select multiple VIs and Abort let's you select a refresh rate and updates the lsit sort by any column let's you filter file types like vi, vit, and ctl What other functionality would you like to see in it? select application instance? Should this be submitted to the repository or should we keep attaching versions to this discussion? Cheers! LabVIEW Task Manager.zip
    1 point
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