AlexA: You are reinventing the wheel. No, actually, not the wheel. Messaging frameworks are fairly complex and way outstrip the wheel. But the jet engine... yes, you're reinventing the jet engine. And the problem is, when reinventing the wheel, most people get it right. No so much on the jet engine. This is NOT meant to insult your skills. It's just that I've spent years reviewing many people's messaging frameworks, and all of the ones rolled by individuals had some serious lurking timing issues. The frameworks that were built, shared with the community and refined are solid. I don't know what you're building, but I pretty much guarantee that LapDog, JAMA or Actor Framework can handle it. AF maintains simplicity relative to the other frameworks. LapDog is more powerful and JAMA is more powerful than that. Each power jump comes with additional complexity. Collectively, we give you enough thrust to reach the heights you aim for... or enough rope to hang yourself, depending upon your point of view. :-)
Since AF is my baby, let me lay out how you'd use it for this case:
Prime actor is Mediator. You send "Launch Producer" or "Launch Consumer" messages to Mediator.
When sending "Launch Producer", you include in the message some ID of the type of data this producer produces.
Producers generate data. They collect that data in their local state unless/until they receive a "Here's A Consumer" message, at which point they send all their pent up messages into the consumer's queue. This is important -- and is a bug that I'm guessing exists in what you proposed -- because the lifetime of the queue is tied to the consumer, not the producer, so you don't have vanishing queue problems when a producer disconnects before the consumer is done processing all the values.
Consumers consume data. When Mediator spins one up, he gives the consumers the list of producer types and the producer send queues (does this directly during spin up... no need to pass a message to the consumer). The consumer picks the one she wants and sends "Here's a Consumer" message -- no need to go back to the Mediator. Thereafter, consumer just sits in the loop and eats data until she gets a Stop message.
If you give me a couple days, version 3 of the AF all polished up will be posted at the site I linked earlier. If you decide to use one of the others, great. Just don't build a custom system unless you just cannot make the others work. Please. We lose too many programmer heroes when they get sucked into jet engines.