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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone A couple of weeks ago i had the need to put a small suite of applications i made in the tray area, but the VIs i could find to do this wasn't really very intuitive or was lacking the functions i needed. The solution? Another one of these put-your-LabVIEW-app-in-the-tray toolsets .. but this time, a little better wrapped than the example code you can find on NI's site.. ;-) (no offense) So here it is for you to evaluate .. it's not anything near final, and one can always find a number of small features lacking, but hey..it's event based, and its pretty easy to add more events if ever needed :-) Notes: Code is currently for LV8.6 and requires at least .NET Runtime 2.0, but i know for a fact that it runs on Win7 and LV2010.. Installation: Unpack / Extract contained "Notify Icon" folder into your user.lib and refresh palettes or restart LabVIEW.. Examples: Browse into your user.lib -> Notify Icon palette and drag the "NotifyIcon Class Example" VI to your block diagram (or open it by browsing into the "user.lib\Notify Icon\Example" folder) License: Since i made this code in my sparetime, but planned to be using it at work, i've made arrangements with the grand-old-boss and put a BSD License on it.. Feel free to send me any comments / questions AND bugfixes / error-reports Thanks Stinus Well..since FF4 doesn't want to play nice.. here is the code uploaded using good old IE :-/ Notify Icon.zip
    1 point
  2. Thank you, all of you at NI Week. My wife had more fun than anyone else. Anyone. She got to talk to people from all over the world about culture, science, medicine, mechanics/machines, electronics, the internet/cloud, deployment methods, business models, product marketing, mathematics, even history. She even crashed a real estate appraisal conference being held at the hotel. She spoke to most everyone running demos in the expo hall. Consistently the female AE's would look around to see if they were being watched, then get a gleam in their eyes and say to her "I get you, me too, come push these buttons with me!" During MY booth duty Tuesday morning her many years of sales experience kicked in, unplanned. She was pumped and drawing all kinds of people into the booth. I couldn't keep up. My coworkers were amused. Shortest-feeling booth duty ever. She somehow audited a session upstairs, accompanying an NI sales rep from abroad (details obscured to protect!). He got to practice explaining the product and its target market to her personally (in English), and she got to see how NI presented new products to the public. In the evenings she went with me to special dinners, private events, happy-hour-meetings, and dinner with customers. At a standing, raucous scotch-with-the-boys gathering she matched the banter so well it was demanded she be there next year. She helped me at the check-in table at the LAVA BBQ and met ~200 LabVIEW developers. Late nights she kept people together, seemed to grow the group with everyone we met, and kept everything clean. At the conference party her desire to get people talking and meeting each other made it like speed-networking for all of us. By that time she had so many badge ribbons donated to her that she got a lot of attention, and she had a lot of fun. And she still had time to dance. Sent from Norm Kirchner, he titled it "Belle of the Ball." Bringing cultures together at the conference party: I am omitting the "Air guitar with LabVIEW Champions at the Spazmatics show" photo, sorry. =) She is still talking about last week. I believe I will take her again next year. She reminded me what all the excitement is about, and renewed my wonder at what all of you do. It was my most fun year, too. Jeremy
    1 point
  3. Thanks Mark for the recordings. This year was a lot harder for me to attend sessions. I recorded my presentation slides and created a Unit Testing Group to continue the conversation. I uploaded the recording, the pdf of the slides and see the demonstrations here: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-39109 Regards, Fab
    1 point
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