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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Asynchronous wires seem to be an extension of the wireless wires I was working on with the Wormhole xnode. The wormhole xnode would have had the wireless cleanliness of a local variable with the speed of direct wire. Oh well. Disclaimer: do not use this anywhere in your code...its just for fun WormHole.zip
    2 points
  2. What? Been there since pre-8.2? Who's been laughing at us flailing around with locked-down multi-VI XNodes (or multi-multi-VI polymorphics) for years? This seems to answer 99% of my (and everyone elses) requests for a simple type-adapting VI. Looks like a very simple XNode without any type-checking (e.g. wire a Boolean to the Delay input and it generates the code but breaks the calling VI). But if the programmer can be trusted, it looks incredibly useful. I would presume it has the same caveats as using an XNode, but if it's now "released" (thanks jkodosky, who I imagine has some mandate to do so) it would be good to know anything to be aware of. BTW, this is certainly not the same as the buggy, non-supported Generic VI that was dangled in front of us some time ago.
    1 point
  3. In AQ and John McBee's presentation "2015 NIWeek_21_Computer Science for the G Programmer Year 2" They mention 3 other videos from previous years. 2012 NIWeek_LabVIEW Classes State of the Art 2014 NIWeek_02_LabVIEW OOP CS for the G Programmer 2015 CLA_11_Dimitry Sagatelyan_Actor Programming Without AF These videos have also been included in the NIWeek 2015 folder Go to this link for information https://lavag.org/topic/19154-ni-week-2015-videos/ Please see this link for Video downloads https://lavag.org/topic/20645-labview-videos-tecnova-download-site/
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone, and here comes my first post on lavag.org . I encountered a problem when using the "Delete Elements from Array.xnode" and already posted an issue on the github-page. I'm not certain if it is the right place, so im just copy paste the text here. "While using the Delete Elements from Array.xnode i recived some warnings from Labview (14.0.1 32-bit). In the Logfile it says: DWarn 0x9F70176B: OpenG Delete Elements from Array:XNode method "GetDisplayName" must return non-empty type string In the mentioned GetDisplayName2.vi there is nothing wired to the string output. Wireing a sting constant solves the problem (see attached image)." I know it's not a big deal, but i hope it helps:
    1 point
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