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  1. The cloud compile is fine unless you need to use IP cores or ip builder. I just tried a Xilinx IP core in win10 with the 9607 target (so it should be using the newest Vivado) and it still doesn't work.
    2 points
  2. The way I've seen this done typically is to configure the path in on the diagram, and to use a separate (inlined) VI to store this path. The performance difference between hardcoded (in the node) and a path on the diagram is pretty minimal. It also makes it easy to update later on. That having been said there are certain patterns hardcoded into labview. Seems like the easier route is to use the wildcard options: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361H-01/lvexcodeconcepts/configuring_the_clf_node/#Configuring_Library_Name_or_Path The one in your post would be Filename**.*
    2 points
  3. Dear all, I successfully passed my CLD just a few weeks ago at NIWeek and will attempt the CLA on September 10th. I did a lot of research, attended the session on the CLA preparation, and won't bother you with the usual basic questions, I think I have a good understanding of what is expected. However, there are two things I'd like your help with: 1) Requirement tag: I never used them and I'm amazed by how little information there is online. Where do you put them: - BD: Free labels, wire labels - FB: Free labels, free labels inside a cluster - Documentation inside VI Properties - Others? 2) Error Handling: I must admit I lack experience and knowledge about how to create an error handling module, let alone a good one! In my past projects, each module and sub-module was always performing its own error handling... Could you point me to a few different techniques and examples? I'd like to get a good understanding of what is expected from such a module. If I only look at the one from the sample exam, I'm afraid I will just try to memorize and recreate it and it's not what I want to do... I'll start working on the sample exams and will likely post my solution here to ask for some feedback. Thanks
    1 point
  4. The examples didn't work exactly as-is for me. I had to make some modifications and wanted to share them on this thread. The script modifications allow for LVCompare.exe to work on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems, however it has not been tested on a 64-bit system yet. To use this with Atlassian SourceTree, modify your .gitconfig file to include: [diff] tool = "sourcetree" [difftool "sourcetree"] cmd = ''C:/<INSERT PATH TO SCRIPT HERE>/_LVCompareWrapper.sh'' "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" where <INSERT PATH TO SCRIPT HERE> can be wherever you decide to save the shell (.sh) file. Here is the contents of the "_LVCompareWrapper.sh" file #!/bin/bash # Method to determine absolute path # The -W parameter on the pwd command is necessary to return the Windows # version of the path. Not using the -W parameter will result in a conversion # of temp directory to a 'tmp' path meaningful only in the Linux environment. # Piping the result through tr '/' '\\' translates the forward slashes to backslashes. # Windows understands forward slashes, but LVCompare.exe does not. abspath () { ( DIR=$(dirname "$1") FN=$(basename "$1") cd "$DIR" echo -n "$(pwd -W)/$FN" | tr '/' '\\' ) } lvcompareNormalLocation="C:/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/LabVIEW Compare/LVCompare.exe" lvcompare64bitWin32bitLV="C:/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/LabVIEW Compare/LVCompare.exe" if [ -e "$lvcompareNormalLocation" ]; then lvcompare="$lvcompareNormalLocation" elif [ -e "$lvcompare64bitWin32bitLV" ]; then lvcompare="$lvcompare64bitWin32bitLV" else echo "LVCompare not found!" exit fi #echo "Using $lvcompare" local=$(abspath "$2") remote=$(abspath "$1") echo Launching "$lvcompare" #echo Launching "$lvcompare" -nobdpos -nofppos "$local" "$remote" exec "$lvcompare" -nobdpos -nofppos "$local" "$remote"
    1 point
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