Dear all,
I successfully passed my CLD just a few weeks ago at NIWeek and will attempt the CLA on September 10th. I did a lot of research, attended the session on the CLA preparation, and won't bother you with the usual basic questions, I think I have a good understanding of what is expected.
However, there are two things I'd like your help with:
1) Requirement tag: I never used them and I'm amazed by how little information there is online. Where do you put them:
- BD: Free labels, wire labels
- FB: Free labels, free labels inside a cluster
- Documentation inside VI Properties
- Others?
2) Error Handling: I must admit I lack experience and knowledge about how to create an error handling module, let alone a good one! In my past projects, each module and sub-module was always performing its own error handling... Could you point me to a few different techniques and examples? I'd like to get a good understanding of what is expected from such a module. If I only look at the one from the sample exam, I'm afraid I will just try to memorize and recreate it and it's not what I want to do...
I'll start working on the sample exams and will likely post my solution here to ask for some feedback.