I just wanted to give you all notice that the LAVA website will be going through an upgrade process within the next couple weeks. I don't know for sure when.
But if you suddenly see things looking very different, then it's because of this upgrade. Some people will love the changes while others will hate them. The nature of LAVA is not changing. Just the code that LAVA runs on. LAVA will still be free and ad-sponsored and all of that good stuff is staying the same.
So if you see problems and things that look out of place. Or if you just want to voice your opinion. Let me know in the comments below.
I am your #1 fan!!
I noticed recently all the improvements you have made under the hood in the ObserverRegistry...
I have a request for you. Will you include a vi in the queue messenger library that is simply queue status? I've made this vi a time or two, to see if a actor gets behind, the problem is that when I switch to a different computer, or update the Messenger library from the repository, this QueueStatus vi is lost......
It's the workflow I use and it works for me. If I'm juggling 523 projects then perhaps my workflow would be different. I currently have about 10 active projects but maybe 3-4 hot ones. Lots of hard drive space and most of it SSDs. So it's fine. As far as test VMs, you just need one for each OS. It's a judgement call. Perhaps you have one VM that you use for several projects that use the same LV version and reuse libraries - who knows. How do you handle different NI hardware driver versions that come out every 6 months?
We can agree that LabVIEW sucks in this regard. No news there. Using VMs is "Putting the cart before the horse". Sure, but I'm done with creating large scale infrastructure tools to fix some other company's inactivity. Some folks younger than me with more energy to spare can do that - I'm good. I'd rather spend the development effort on my customers, which gives me greater reward and returns. Both emotionally and financially.
Don't get me wrong. I still build tools and reuse libraries. But most likely not a VIPM-type of tool or add-on.