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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Wild guess: LabVIEW uses the "Delete From Array" function in case 0 to dispose of used elements as soon as possible. For cases 1 and 2 it uses "Index Array", thus does not free the memory (the original array is just passed to the output tunnel and freed afterwards in one go). Case 3 is less efficient as the final 2D-Array takes time to build (requires re-allocation in memory in worse case). Maybe ask NI support? Oh wait...
    1 point
  2. Note that you should move the # Tunnels input outside the For loop, since otherwise you could change that value while the loop is running, and LabVIEW has to account for that possibility. There's also debugging issues here - the additional tunnels are places where LabVIEW needs to allocate memory in case you put a probe on them during execution, but maybe that's actually helping here by changing the way LabVIEW reuses memory. Of course, if you disable debugging, the VI executes instantaneously because it optimizes out the unnecessary For loops. I am seeing the 2 tunnel case fastest at 29ms, the 1 and 3 tunnel versions nearly identical and barely slower (30.5ms), and the 3-tunnel version slowest at 39.5ms. I don't think you're learning much from this sort of benchmark when you have debugging enabled and code that could otherwise be optimized out.
    1 point
  3. Disclaimer: I don't mean to be negative in this post but I'm telling it as I see it. I may be wrong (no surprises there) but if we value frank and open discussions, here we go. I post a lot more on the NI forums than I do here. I like helping out possible future LV gurus. The word guru apparently means "He who dispels the darkness". Many of you have much brighter torches than I do but we need to spread the light and spread it far and wide. The more we withdraw into ourselves, the brighter the light may seem, but the fewer people benefit from it. To be honest I think LAVA has a bit of an elitist feel to it which does not help LAVA or its visitors (or potential visitors) in any way besides feeling smug about being good enough to be here (the people here are undoubtedy very knowledgable, this is undisputed). This is why I try to bring also more advanced topics to the NI forum. Chances are that it will reach more people. If we decide to only hang around with people we think of as our peers (because the ego boost feels nice) we either create an unaccessible wealth of knowledge which benefits only a select few or we actually miss out on changes in the commujnity and end up getting left behind. Neither outcome is particularly appealing to me personally. I come to LAVA when I need something for me which I think is uninteresting for others. I go to NI.com when I want my knowledge (or possible answers to my questions) to be as accessible as possible in order to benefit the LabVIEW ecosystem as a whole. If we insist on creating an "us" v "them" atmosphere then the gulf will only keep increasing which will of course stroke our egos even more which will increase the gulf which will......oh dear. I remember a story from way back when the computer game "Doom" was released. One report was that the game was technically brilliant and fun but the reporter tired of it quickly. It turns out he was playing the game in only the first room and never realised that what looked like a wall was a door to the rest of the first level (and to all other levels - he was playing like only the first 1% of the game). I think it's fine showing off technical prowess to users but if we don't help newcomers find the door the appeal will be very limited. Sure, not everything that comes through the door will be welcome but that's life (or Doom, I can't remember ). If all of this makes people wary of being overrun by the unwashed masses then I think a paid subscription model is the only way to go. But I severely doubt if that will increase the number of posts. For me personally the bottom line is that if I had to choose between the NI forum and LAVA, I would choose the NI forum because I think the effort spent there is maybe less valuable to me in the short term but is essential to the longer term health of the community. Don't get me wrong, I value LAVA greatly and have learned a lot here. I don't want to see it go. I also don't want to see it get increasingly isolated.
    1 point
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