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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2016 in all areas

  1. We recorded all JKI presentations and have made them available online. AI and deep learning with Javier Ruiz & Ian McFarlane, .NET integration and interface design with Sarah Zalusky, and Caraya unit testing with Jim Kring. Good stuff! Caraya: A New Take on LabVIEW Unit Testing - TS9754 by Jim Kring Designing a LabVIEW Interface for .NET Applications - TS9757 by Sarah Zalusky Artificial Intelligence With LabVIEW: Deep Learning-Based Classification and Control - TS9758 by Javier Ruiz & Ian McFarlane Watch videos
    2 points
  2. Please see the above link to download the videos The NIWeek 2016 Videos are uploaded to the ftp server. Please see this link for information on downloading the videos. https://lavag.org/topic/19154-ni-week-2015-videos/#comment-115444
    1 point
  3. I don't have a good answer for this. I run into the exact same issues, and I work at NI! For a while I would file CARs with a [hard to reproduce] tag on them, but I don't think anything ever came of those. I've heard of customers actually visiting NI and bringing their entire setup to get an AE to spend days troubleshooting issues like this, but I think that's overkill in almost all cases. One thing I can say...I've heard customer sentiment that it's not worth the time to submit NIER crash reports, but that's absolutely *not* true. With each LabVIEW release since NIER's debut, we've fixed *several* crashes as a direct result of the crash reports that were sent in. So continue submitting crash reports (and attaching code where possible and appropriate), because improving stability by solving NIER-reported crashes is something we're committed to with each release.
    1 point
  4. You are all welcome. Just trying to help out. I, in turn, need to give huge props to Mark for initiating the whole thing and making sure it's acceptable to do so. And also for properly naming all the videos I dumped on him.... Apologies to James McNally. I missed the first few minutes of your "Practical OOP Techniques in LabVIEW" presentation because of the Champions lunch. I ran to the presentation as fast as my little legs would carry me, but alas I still missed the start. So apologies for that.
    1 point
  5. I tend to use subVIs one layer lower down from the loop actions, as explained in this post. One can have subVIs that represent actions of the loop itself (as the AF does, for example), but I usually find that to have (minor) disadvantages.
    1 point
  6. I've created such example some time ago: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-13861 I think it is somehow related...
    1 point
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