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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2016 in all areas

  1. the openg libraries are 'compatible with labview' which meets these standards: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-8981 but otherwise, no clue. Definitely a weird requirement. Depending on the specific requirements, you might be able to focus in the restriction by only using code which uses native labview functions (ie no CLFN/dll calls). Then you can figure out what types of malicious things labview could do -- for example, file IO functions are probably out, as would be any code which uses VI server (could call other code dynamically). These are both pretty easy to verify. From the product page this leaves you: -Array manipulation -String manipulation -Application control -File handling -Zip files -Timing tools -MD5 digest implementation -Error handling -Variant and flattened data manipulation Still a pretty good set of tools and I can't think of any way this could affect other machines in a malicious way. Of course if the definition is 'you must inspect every function'...well, have fun
    1 point
  2. To my knowledge not beyond what you can get from the OpenG library. When I tried to do that I was looking for some further documentation but couldn't find anything beyond some tidbits in remotely related things in knowledge articles. So I simply gleemed through the different packages and deduced the necessary format for the .cdf ( component definition file ). Being an XML format file made it somewhat easy to guess the relevant parts. There is in newer LabVIEW versions an option to create an installation package for RT from an RT project which uses the same cdf file, but the creation of that file is of course hidden inside the according package builder plugin. If the purpose is to only create an installer component for a shared library then the files from the OpenG ZIP library should give some headstart. One problem you might have to solve is also to get the files into the RT Image subdirectory. Since it is inside the Program Files, your installer app needs to have elevated privileges in order to put it there. If you do this as part of a VIPM or OGP package file, then VIPM often is not started by default with such rights. I solved that by packing all the components into a setup file made with innosetup which will request the privilege evelation. Then I start that setup file at the end of the package installation and it then installs the components into the RT Image subdirectory.
    1 point
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