For a while I've been tinkering with the idea of building a LabVIEW client that could to talk to Jupyter kernels for interfacing with Python having been previously a user of RolfK's OpenG LabPython package. Although this, and now the native LabVIEW 2018 Python support have many uses (and indeed I use them in my 'production' code), there were a few things that a Jupyter kernel client can do:
Not be tied to particular versions of Python - LabPython got stuck for me around 2.7.10 and I think was fussy about which compiler have been used. The 2018 native support is restricted to 2.7 or 3.6 I believe (3.7 defintiely doesn't work)
Not being tied to the same 32/64 bits of LabVIEW
Being able to offload the Python to a remote server, or go cross platform
I haven't investigated the Enthought package (too much hassle to get a new vendor set up on my University's purchasing system and not really able to justify spending tax payer's money on playing!) which I suspect might be doing something similar.
Anyway, the attached zip file is a proof of concept - it includes a test vi that will try to find an ipython executable and fire it up and you can then interact with it. There's lots of things not properly tested and probably a slew of bugs as well. To run it you need several dependencies:
OpenG Toolkit libraries, particularly the LabVIEW Data, string, error and array libraries
The JKI JSON library - I had to pick a JSON serialiser and the JKI one seemed as good as any and better than some...
The JSONText JSON serialiser library available via VIPM
The Zero-MQ Labview bindings - libzmq is the underlying network transport used in Jupyter and there is an excellent LabVIEW bindings library for it.
The attached SHA256 implementation so that the communications messages are properly HMAC signed.
LabVIEW 2018 - sorry I'm only writing in 2018 now and this code uses malleable vi's with type specialization and asserts in use - so it may not be easy to backport
There's a few things that I'd still like to figure out - primarily the client protocol is very much focussed (reasonably enough) around the idea that the client is sending strings and is interested in string representations of data.I'd like to figure out an efficient way to transfer largish LabVIEW data structures backwards and forwards. I think this probably means developing a custom message handler and registering it with the kernel when the code starts and writing some Python 'flatten to string' and 'unflatten from string' code - but that's only this week's concept....
If you use it, please note that this probably only alpha quality at best - it may or may not work for you, it may not be safe to use, If it causes any loss or damage or eats your cat then it's not my fault....
Edit 6th March 2019: I've switched the JSON parser to JSONText, found and fixed a few bugs, managed to build a VI package for it that should have the correct dependencies and installs the example client in the LabVIEW example finder.
Edit 19th April 2019: Added more options to connect the example client to remote and already running kernels (and not to shut them down on exit!). Some other fixes as well.
Edit 11th Arpil 2020: Updated the SHA256 version to one that can correctly hash files without reading the whole thing into memory.