What you describe sounds very similar to our situation, except that we only have a single top-level repository for all stations. If you look at a single station repository of yours, however, the structure is almost the same. There is a single top-level repository (station) which depends on code from multiple components, each of which may depend on other libraries (and so forth).
* Station
+ Component A
+ Library X
+ Library Y
+ Component B
+ Library X
+ Library Z
+ ...
In our case, each component has its own development cycle and only stable code is pulled in the top-level repository. In your case there might be multiple branches for different stations, each of which I imagine will eventually be merged into their respective master branch and pulled by other stations.
* Station (master)
+ Component A (master)
+ Library X (dev-station)
+ Library Y (master)
+ Component B (dev-station)
+ Library X (dev-station)
+ Library Z (master)
+ ...
In my opinion you should avoid linking development branches in top-level repositories at all costs. Stations should either point to master (for components that are under development) or a tag.
* Station A (released)
+ Component A (tag: 1.0.0)
+ Component B (tag: 3.4.7)
* Station B (in development)
+ Component A (tag. 1.2.0)
+ Component B (master) <-- under development
* Station C (released)
+ Component A (tag: 2.4.1)
+ Component B (tag: 0.1.0)
Not sure if I misunderstand your comment, but you don't actually have to branch a submodule. In fact, anyone could simply commit to master if they wanted to (and even force-push *sight*). Please also keep in mind that submodules will greatly impact the git workflow and considerably increase the complexity of the entire repository structure. Especially if you have submodules inside submodules...
In my opinion there are only two reasons for using submodules:
To switch branches often (i.e. to test different branches of a component at station level).
To change code of a component from within the station repository.
Both are strong indicators of tightly coupled code and should therefore be avoided.
We decided to use subtrees instead. For every action on a subtree (pull, change branch, revert, etc.) there is a corresponding commit in the repo. We have a policy that changes to a component is done at component level first and later pulled into the top-level repository. Since the actual code of a subtrees is included in the repository, there is no overhead for subtrees that include subtrees and things like automated tests also work the same as for regular repositories.
You have the right intention, but if any developer is allowed to make any changes to any component, there will eventually be lots of tightly coupled rogue branches in every component, which is even worse that the current state. Not to forget that you also need to make sure that changes to a submodule are actually pushed.
This is where UI tools become handy as they provide features like pushing changes for all submodules when pushing the top-level repository (IIRC Sourcetree had a feature like that).
To be fair, subtrees don't prevent developers from doing those changes. However, since the code is contained in the top-level repository, it becomes responsibility of the station owner instead of the component owner.
In my experience it's a good idea to assign a lead developer to each component, so that every change is verified by single (or a group of) maintainer(s). In theory there should only be a single branch with the latest version of the component (typically master). Users may either pull directly from master, or use a specific tag. You don't want rogue branches that are tightly coupled to a single station at component level.