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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2021 in all areas

  1. Two questions about this: 1. Does something like this already exist? 2. Is this something that could be useful? Every once in a while I need dynamic UI components that can be generated at runtime. One nice thing to use for this is a picture control; however it doesn't lend itself as well to keeping other pieces of function such as mouse click events and such. I put together a mini library of UI functions for this that has the ability to be extended. The UI can be generated dynamically at runtime and be any picture thing that you can draw. Using Standard layout techniques that you might find in other GUI libraries. The hierarchy generation can always be simplified by using some type of templating string. Example1.vi Front Panel on Pgui2.lvproj_My Computer _ 2021-07-02 14-03-54.mp4
    1 point
  2. FYI to anyone using Bean's VIs. I was successfully using them in an application, but they had a peculiar side effect. Whenever another application on the system (G-Force) was in full-screen mode, the LabVIEW application windows were non-responsive to mouse clicks. If I switched G-Force out of full-screen mode, the LabVIEW windows started behaving properly again. It took me a while, but I figured out that in order to fix the issue, I needed to add another call to 'AttachThreadInput' at the end of Bean's code IF AttachThreadInput had been called earlier. In Bean's code, the 'fAttach' parameter is set to '1' to attach the thread. If you do this, you then need to call AttachThreadInput again at the end of the code, but with an 'fAttach' value of '0' to detach the thread. When I made this change, my application remained responsive to mouse clicks even when G-Force was in full-screen mode.
    1 point
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