That's about right. I mentioned the 10 year catch-up game NI has to do with LabVIEW. The full 64-bit compiler support in LabVIEW 2009 was one of the last architectural projects NI did with LabVIEW Classic. After that they did not really do much more than add some peripheral libraries, fix bugs and make minor improvements to core functionality of the LabVIEW kernel. Anything that was structurally touching the LabVIEW core code base was deferred to LabVIEW NXG.
Even the Map and Set datatype in LabVIEW 2019, while a great addition, was for the most part a completely separate code base that had literally no impact on the LabVIEW kernel in terms of needing any significant changes to it.
The problem NI had/has with much of the LabVIEW code base is that some of the most fundamental code modules come from a time about 30 years ago, when C++ was simply not an option at all, NI had to fight with symbol tables in the C compiler exceeding the compiler provided memory space and 8 MB of RAM in a computer was for many users considered an unacceptable minimum hardware requirement. This code is inherently C syntax, and littered with global variables that all had to be protected with mutexes when introducing multithreading in LabVIEW 5. LabVIEW NXG was about getting rid of that entirely by replacing the entire UI system with something more modern. In hindsight I think it was overambitious and NI underestimated the impedance mismatch between the .Net environment and the LabVIEW system and didn't anticipate the vocal push back from non Windows users about the fact that LabVIEW on top of .Net was likely never going to support anything other than Windows, despite their repeated claims that it COULD be made to work on other platforms. But COULD in lawyer speak usually means WON'T and a lot of those non-Windows users are academics who know a thing or two about language semantics too.