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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2012 in all areas

  1. Name: Mercurial Provider Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 25 Feb 2012 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 2011 License Type: BSD (Most common) This toolkit allows you to directly communicate with you Mercurial repository, from within the LabVIEW project environment. This toolkit acts as an extension of the supplied LabVIEW SCC interface in LabVIEW professional. The toolkit allows you to commit, push, tag changesets. Has support for adding Issue tracking IDs. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  2. The answer is still no. A wire cannot pass data between loops. The example you gave is passing a reference to each loop and using the reference to pass data between the loops, much like a notifier would. You're overthinking the question. Connecting directly to the indicator is the best way to get data to an indicator. You're thinking about the reason why you don't need to update an indicator every loop interation. Which could be a possible question. I'm sure each of us could come up with several disadvantages of the SM VI, but for the intended audiance of this quiz, I feel the selection is appropriate. Can you please explain your response? I will admit this question is a bit ambigous. What type of array are we creating? The initialize array would be the most efficient if we want all values the same or don't care about the element values(i.e. initializing a buffer). You changed the scope of the question. The question is refering the VI->SubVI interaction, not syncronizing actions across parrallel loops. crelf and Roderic are correct the scope of the this exam is directed to entry level programmers, and intended to assess ones compotency in creating VI the perform relatively small scaled actions. The CLD and CLA levels would be better audiences to the sort of questions I think you leaning towards. Also note, the online quiz is just a sampeling of the possible questions that could be asked. I think I remember reading somewhere that the CLAD exam won't include any new feature released in the last two years. But don't qoute me on that. NI has significatly changed and added many courses over the last few years to cover several of the topics you metioned. Though some of the those topics are advanced or fairly new, and might be some time before courses are created, if ever. I can't comment on any of the new classes as I haven't taken them. Check out NI Training.
    1 point
  3. My point was the people who run the corporations hide behind the construct to justify immoral or more correctly amoral behavior. Even CEOs will say not to blame them for what their company does to the environment, citizens, other entities as long as they follow the law and do these things in the name of 'increasing shareholder value'. So, since corporations are amoral, we need to take away these 'human rights' that were incorrectly granted them. We need deal with them for what they really are. That is one reason I get upset at people who deride government regulations. "We the government" are the only thing keeping corporations in check. You cannot expect the free market to enforce moral behavior on an amoral entity. If you try that, you may find yourself in a can of Daklu soda...
    1 point
  4. So this idea rekindled something I've been longing for for a long time in LabVIEW: better integration with web-based UI technologies. I've in the past played with using HTML/etc to create dynamic user interfaces which frankly aren't possible in LabVIEW since elements can't be created or destroyed dynamically, and this is something HTML/etc excels at if you know a little DOM and the idea of a little javascript doesn't scare you. First a little proof of principle to show that you can get data in and out of a WebBrowser: WebBrowser.zip Caveats: This is a very simple proof of principle. To use it you must Be on a Windows based PC (it uses .NET after all). Keep the contained folder in a location which doesn't have spaces in the path, I didn't do any URL parsing... How it works. Getting data in is pretty trivial. Once the document is loaded in the browser, grab a reference to whatever you need (in this case an input element), then whenever want to update the value, just push it to the browser using the element refnum. Getting data out isn't so bad either, though it is rather annoying. If you know any DOM, you're probably familiar that all the input elements have an onchange event associated with them. Well forget that, you can't use a refnum to register for an event callback for anything you pull from the hosted browser (someone please correct me if I'm wrong about this). But you still can register for events on the top level WebBrowser2 refnum, so I pulled the BeforeNavigate2 event and registered a callback for that. Now whenever I want to get data out of the web page, all I need to do is trigger a location change, then pull out any data I wish. You can probably imagine a few other ways to skin this one... There are still some things that are basically off limits in LabVIEW. In the past I've defined entire COM interfaces (via C++), then passed the corresponding IDispatch interface into the browser which allows you to define arbitrary functions and variables which can be called directly from within a hosted document via the global window object available through javascript. I would love to be able to do this in LabVIEW. Imagine being able to call some code like this: <input type="text" onchange="CallMyVI('Foo', 'Bar');" /> And have a registered callback VI automatically be called with "Foo" and "Bar" being placed in the appropriate terminals of your connector pane. So what's the point behind this post? I'm really just hoping to seed some discussion on this. I have no idea how many of you have some web-based development under your belts, but I'm hoping even if you don't, that you can see the possibilities that can be opened up by being able to have a more dynamic user interface canvas available to us? Hopefully in time I can get a more thorough example of what I think is possible, but for now the proof I posted above is all I have. Regards, -michael
    1 point
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