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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. QUOTE (SciWare @ Jun 1 2008, 09:15 AM) Damn that was quick! Thanks heaps Kurt. Will get into it on Tuesday due to the long weekend. :beer:
  2. jgcode

    Help me

    Use Context Help to get name of VI. Then use the search function on the palette
  3. QUOTE (SciWare @ May 31 2008, 07:56 AM) Thanks for the reply Kurt Look forward to the 8.5 release and will let em know! Keep me posted for the release Cheers
  4. QUOTE (prads @ May 31 2008, 06:14 AM) You should take orko's good advise and search LabVIEW Help to easily answers such questions, as it will only benefit you in your LV personal development. However, if you are genuinely stuck below is the answer. Enjoy!
  5. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ May 29 2008, 09:27 PM) Yup, that what I use. I use one up the top when I want to create a toolbar too....
  6. Search LV Help for the Event Structure. It is located: Functions Palette>>Structures>>Event Structure. This is the best structure for handling GUI's. On a side note, having just said that, if you use LV embedded, you will most likely now and then, revert back to the old school style/design-pattern of polling a cluster of booleans, converting the cluster to an array and searching for a TRUE and handling it with a nested case structure. This is because you cannot use the event structure under RTOS. You will use this method if you use a user interface thread to setup front panel communication with your embedded code (this is usually only done in development phase to help with debugging as it is non deterministic). The benefit of the event cluster is that it handles an event only when an events occurs therefore, the system is not continually polling wasting resources.
  7. QUOTE (prads @ May 29 2008, 02:33 PM) No worries Write to Spreadesheet uses the native Write to Text File VIs so yes....go for it!
  8. QUOTE (gleichman @ May 29 2008, 11:48 AM) Yes that would be hard, but you could treat your data as arrays to overcome this. Try this... Download File:post-10325-1212038756.zip Code is in LV8.0
  9. My first time was with a .lvlib So much for protecting my VI names with the library namespace! It just dumped duplicate names outside of the .exe!!
  10. If you are only writing the value of the cluster to the .ini why not just pass by wire so you can follow you code using dataflow? Or is there some particular reason to use references/property nodes?
  11. QUOTE (hakannn @ May 26 2008, 10:26 PM) http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2008/post-10325-1211814136.png' target="_blank"> No worries You need to make sure you have the FULL correct physical channel name e.g. Dev2/ai0 (PCI, USB etc..) e.g. cDAQ1/Mod2/ai0 (Compact DAQ chassis) not just "ai0" Go into MAX and make sure you are selecting the correct device. Green is "installed and is plugged in" Yellow is "simulated" White with red cross is "has been installed but currently not found" For your real device make sure has a green icon and that the device name is correct.
  12. QUOTE (hakannn @ May 26 2008, 04:05 PM) Hi Hakannn I couldn't run your download as a VI was missing (calysan.vi) however, I have had a look. Please find a basic example attached of one way to collect software timed DAQ and stream it to file. I have a few pointers on your code as well with the main thing being you need to continually poll the DAQ Read VI in a timed loop (whether this is hardware or software timed) and read the output [array] and write it to disk. Please check Help>>Find Examples for more DAQ and File IO examples. Enjoy! Download File:post-10325-1211808458.vi Code is in LV8.0.
  13. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ May 26 2008, 01:58 PM) OK I am leaning towards bug
  14. QUOTE (GraemeJ @ May 26 2008, 09:49 AM) Sorry I may have been a bit vague before - LV will perform code for SRTM App Events, but if you need to capture these events for other reasons then you need to use Shortcut Menu Selection (App) not Shortcut Menu Selection (User). Now in your code the table is an indicator and it can't access these methods (empty table etc..), it needs to be a control. Therefore one solution is to use a control and write to (update) the table using a local variable. If you probe the item tags in the new code it will be picking up these events now. The only problem I can think of is that the user can enter in values. But if you keep your data private in the application and only use the local variable to write to the screen (as opposed to read at any time) this should not be a problem aside from making the table a little ugly if the user types something in. You can't disable the table because then you can't access the SRTM. One way to handle this is to use a value change event to load the private data back into the table if the user did change it. May be overkill in your case? I code in LV8.5, I saved this down to LV8.0, if you only have LV7.0, please follow the .PNG. Download File:post-10325-1211770620.vi Code is in LV8.0
  15. QUOTE (Yen @ May 26 2008, 03:41 AM) Thanks Yen!
  16. QUOTE (Yen @ May 26 2008, 03:40 AM) QUOTE (MikaelH @ May 26 2008, 06:22 AM) Maybe it's because LabVIEW supports foreground and background colors for colors in development environment, and the Color Boxes gets 2 event one for the foreground and then one for the background color. //Mikael Thanks guys, a simple edit will make it work. Given your two different posts, I am interested to know if it is desired behaviour or a bug! Download File:post-10325-1211765704.vi Code is in LV8.0
  17. QUOTE (tcplomp @ May 25 2008, 01:49 PM) Thanks for taking a look Ton. I have reattached another version in case I made a mistake. Code written in 8.5 saved for previous version 8.0. When I load the attached in 8.5 then close it, it asks to save changes - so it should be in LV8.0. If it doesn't work - may be a property node difference between versions? Defineately works in 8.5 if you have it. Is the above suggestion found in VI properties?
  18. QUOTE (Yen @ May 25 2008, 03:00 AM) Thanks for your input Yen, I have coded something sub optimal but simple, but I am now experiencing http://forums.lavag.org/Event-Value-Change-Color-Box-Error-t10998.html' target="_blank">this problem. Do you post under a different name on ni forums?
  19. I had the recently posed the question of accessing the Color Palette: How to do this? using a SRTM and coded a sub-optimum solution (which I was tryign to avoid) by using a popup Dialog VI with Color Box control so the user can access the palette this way (the listbox property nodes code allows me to know which cell was right clicked). However, in my simple subVI ColorPalettePopup.vi (which contains the Color Box control) I use an Event: "Color Box": Value Change. Every second time the subVI is called it automatically fires the Value Change event without the user initiating it. Every other time it functions correctly. Am I going crazy? Am I doing something wrong? Does this happen on other people's LV? Code is in LV8.0 Cheers JG
  20. QUOTE (GraemeJ @ May 24 2008, 09:09 AM) Hi Graeme, no probs. Are you handling your custom items with event: Shorcut Menu Selection (User) And LabVIEW application shortcuts with event: Shortcut Menu Selection (App) ?? Even if you have a overall custom menu, it can be made up of App and Custom tags so you need to use both events? If this does not help please post up your new code.
  21. QUOTE (exoteric @ May 24 2008, 03:16 PM) Hi Exoteric, welcome to the forums. I am a WA native too!! Aside from the Guru - do you have a large LV community at Mech Eng UWA? Or are you going solo? JG
  22. QUOTE (Gavin Burnell @ May 22 2008, 07:39 PM) Thanks for the link. Variant attributes are one of those things that I know were there but I have never really used. I recoded the FGV subVI and I like the simplicity. I did a quick benchmark (Pentium M 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM) on a simple three element cluster (similar to error cluster) just to see. Compared to the data arrays, it seems no big perfomance hit sub-1000 - but after that then it really start to matter. Some great reading here and here too. Seems the NFGV or using arrays may be old school and the variant attributes are the way to go to manage a DB! Thanks Gavin. NFGV_LV851.zip Code is in LV 8.5
  23. Thanks Christian I will take a look at it.
  24. I heard on the radio that some German(?) guys have invented something similair for games while you're at the pub urinal!! A whole new pii'ing experience. :laugh:
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