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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. Hi Drakones, for simple things like ROI or color threshold, you can venture into doing it with coordinates and events directly on the 2D Picture. But I agree with Antoine that if you need to fit patterns or do particle analysis, it's not worth starting from scratch. Here's a little something to start with. (LV 2009) ROI on 2D Pict.vi
  2. No, just the ones where you'll need to prove you've reached legal drinking age... Don't forget do bring your ID Jon.
  3. didn't see any crows last year at NI Week.

  4. I think perhaps you could use the "Qualified Name" property for the library. It seems to do exactly what you need.
  5. A crow? I admit some bars can be scary, but crows? It's way too hot for crows to stick around in August...
  6. Got StreetView? I guess you'll find out in a month or so.
  7. That's unrelated to NI Week. The stats won't be that specific, but it actually occurs more frequently on 6th street...
  8. I don't want to end up in the picture gallery with you in an ackward posture...
  9. Great, I have a spaghetti spot on last year's t-shirt anyway! (Or is it BBQ rib sauce?) Not that a bunch of programmers would notice on a marron shirt...
  10. Is it possible to filter the twitter feeds for latin characters? If I can believe Google Translate, some of this would be censored anyway if it were in English... (so I won't write it down here)
  11. So cold that you'll see most people wearing pants on a sunny 110F day!
  12. will take the CLD exam at NI Week.

  13. First thing that popped into my head reading this: "I'm Dr.T and I'm a Night-Elf Mohawk." Sorry to be off-topic on an off-topic topic but I couldn't help. BTW, I love this off-topic topic...
  14. There used to be a NI Labs: Neural Nets API, but I can't find it anymore. NI Labs page doesn't mention it and all I can find on Google is an 18-months old discussion forum. I still have the ZIP file on my PC. PM me if you'd like to have it. It's > 5MB, so I'd rather not post it here.
  15. Thanks Justin and to the others who are organizing the BBQ! (By vegetarian food, you mean "beer", right?)
  16. You don't like air conditioning?
  17. Funnily enough, LAVA1.0 is now "LAVA" free!

  18. Even #12 ? I'd really like that one to be available sooner. I know it would if it were up to you... (Can't vote twice.)
  19. LAVA1.0 is "Excel" free

  20. When you close your application, you can use the "Panel Close?" event to ascertain the conditions of closing and decide what are the actions you need to do before closing. When using "Panel Close?", you'll notice that you can choose to discard the event on the right side of your event case. If you choose to discard it, the "Panel Close" event will be filtered out. By doing so, you will handle all the cases required to close your app the way you want and decide which case will effectively stop your loop(s). Or do you really need the Application Close event?
  21. LAVA 1.0 "Shared Variables" free.

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