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Everything posted by hviewlabs
Property and Method Selection (PMS) Assistant
hviewlabs replied to hviewlabs's topic in VI Scripting
Here are your fries, or a frosting, if you are a sweet tooth. Now you can try ANY string for a property or method name! Who knows, maybe you will find something new! Well, after a while, I guess...:headbang: Download File:post-1166-1139768359.vi -
Property and Method Selection (PMS) Assistant
hviewlabs replied to hviewlabs's topic in VI Scripting
All right, all right, forgot about a couple of things. Here it is: floating, with modification flag setting and even undo transactions, so that you can undo the modifications made by this utility in your VI as if you made them yourself - press Ctrl-Z as usual. Wanna fries with that? Stay tuned! Download File:post-1166-1139762901.vi -
Property and Method Selection (PMS) Assistant
hviewlabs replied to hviewlabs's topic in VI Scripting
OK, if you want it that bad, here is one with the Diagram property even in LabVIEW 8 :!: Download File:post-1166-1139724365.vi -
Property and Method Selection (PMS) Assistant
hviewlabs replied to hviewlabs's topic in VI Scripting
Thanks, Mike. Yes, unfortunately, the Diagram property is not returned by All Available Properties Property while used in LV 8 (It is there when working with LV7!). Well, I guess that one is in a "safe", not just "on a top shelf". "Mom" thinks it's particularly dangerous Still, not a big deal - just copy it from the version 7 vis. :2cents: Stanislav -
Property and Method Selection (PMS) Assistant
hviewlabs replied to hviewlabs's topic in VI Scripting
Here is one with better on screen prompts. Download File:post-1166-1139711699.vi -
Dynamic Generation of Labview 8.0 Class Hierarchy
hviewlabs replied to PJM_labview's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
Well you can still try to put his face into the water: Property and Method Selection Assistant: http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?...findpost&p=9304 -
OK, so our "mom" had some PMS (it's a thing, grown up women get sometimes). She took away some toys from us, kids. Of course, it's for our own good!. She loves us but just doesn't want us to get hurt. Well she didn't put them in safe or some place really unreachable. It's just a top shelf in her closet. So, all we need to get to them is a ladder. Well, children, here it is. Still made in 7.0, but especially convenient in 8.0! Sorry about the locked BD. There are really no new concepts in the code beyond those in Tunnel Wiring Wizard and Private Class Generator. However, if somebody REALLY wants to see the code, please contact me directly. With Best Regards, Stanislav Rumega H View Labs http://labhsm.com Download File:post-1166-1139705933.vi
Sorry, I don't understand what's happening on your computer, Chris. I just downloaded it from my post again, opened a blank VI in LabVIEW 7.0 and dragged the TWW file onto its BD (gotta do it this way, because TWW is set to Run When Opened and to close when it's the only VI). Then I double clicked its icon on the BD of that dummy VI which opened its FP without running it. Please try to repeat this procedure. If it doesn't work, I don't know - your LV 7.0 is not quite the same as my LabVIEW 7.0? Anybody else has this problem too?
Actually, it can be done! I really love this utility. It's very useful while working with any state machine code, including LabHSM, my toolkit for advanced event-driven programming in LabVIEW with hierarchical state machines and active objects. Well, I guess, the author, David Boyd is just too busy to update it, and I needed it for LabVIEW 8 ASAP. Initially it was password-protected, but last October David posted an unlocked version: http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?...findpost&p=6736 So, I had a chance to update it myself (I hope David won't mind). I am actually surprised that nobody has done it yet. It turned out to be not that much of incompatibility: NI has changed the class ID number for the tunnels, plus, with multiple application instances in LV 8 now, you gotta make sure you use the correct one, especially when running this utility from Tools menu (place it into the "<LabVIEW>\project"). It's still made in LV 7.0 for the largest compatibility but works in all LV versions released after 7.0, including 8.0. So, keep enjoying it, folks, now in LabVIEW 8 too (in case you haven't modified it yourself yet, of course)! I hope this post will save the hour or two for the other people who use this utility. Thanks to Paul Sullivan (SULLutions.com) for correcting the path definition in the code to make it platform independent and to Lars Mellberg for pointing out a situation in which the initial version of this update didn't work. You can also download it directly from the LabHSM site: http://labhsm.com/Tunnel_Wiring_Wizard_LV8OK.vi With Best Regards, Stanislav Rumega H View Labs http://labhsm.com Download File:post-1166-1139410933.vi
Here is a much more comprehensive utiility of this kind. Enjoy. This utility a part of LabHSM toolkit for advanced event-driven development with hierarchical state machines and active objects (http://labhsm.com) Download File:post-1166-1114632732.vi
software engineering with LV
hviewlabs replied to differentstrokes's topic in Application Design & Architecture
The latest demo version (1.1) also limits the maximum number of states, events and actions in one HSM VI. -
Thank you very much, Rolf! One question: is it "legit", meaning you got it from some VI, on which NI forgot to set a password, or...?
Did anybody see BD.Open VI property anywhere? We know now how to open and how to close BD programmatically, but I want to check if it's already open. There gotta be BD.Open property just like there exists FP.Open.
Did anybody discover already how to programmaticaly do Rearrange Cases.../Sort on a Case Selector?
Sorry for a late add-on, but somehow I didn't get the notifications about replies and discovered them only recently. It was not the very fact they refused to mention LabHSM in NI News - they are under now obligation to do that, of course. It was HOW it was done, that really insulted me. Instead of just telling me straight in the face that they wouldn't do that because they consider LabHSM a competitor for SDK, they (NI News people at least) decided to ignore me whatsoever: for WEEKS not returning my calls and not replying to my emails (with my offers of cooperation and even profit sharing, by the way)! Do you consider this to be an appropriate behavior for a company claiming it encourages third-party development efforts which would help to use LabVIEW in a wider range of applications? Or do you think appearing of LabHSM is not an important event enough for the LabVIEW community? Well, there are about 3000 people working at NI and no, not all of them are that inpolite. I finally got a hold of Mr. J.R. Allen, LabVIEW marketing manager, who runs LabVIEW Zone. Only from him, not from the NI News people(!), I finally learned why they behaved like that. I deeply appreciate the efforts of Mr. J.R. Allen in helping to spread the word about LabHSM by placing a link to it on the front page of LabVIEW zone for a while. I express my appreciation (to him, not to NI as a company). However, Mr. J.R. Allen works for NI and apparently was told by his superiors at some moment to ignore me and existence of LabHSM too. In his recent presentation (http://www.ni.com/swf/presentation/us/vi_performance/) he talks about architecture and state machines (pushes SDK there, of course) but doesn't even mention the very existence of LabHSM, not even in the links section! I sent him an email asking to do at least that (mention LabHSM on the links page), but he never replied. Well, that's corporate ethics for you! Of course, compared to the anti-competitive licensing issues this incident is minor but it kind of confirms an unfortunate direction in which NI is heading in how they treat anybody they consider competition. I didn't even intend to become a competitor, by the way, - just wanted to share my technique and maybe make some money for myself AND for NI from making their flagship product, LabVIEW even more powerful. Unfortunately, they just seem fixated on the fact that LabHSM is more powerful than SDK and worry about SDK only. Stanislav
software engineering with LV
hviewlabs replied to differentstrokes's topic in Application Design & Architecture
Not really, except the nag screens and inability to create working VIs from the template unless their names start with "Demo_". Watch for a new version coming soon, which will automatically create and delete Actions cases on the block diagram as they are created and deleted in the LabHSM Editor. -
Thank you very much, David! Sorry, I thought I read this this entire thread. I also didn't realize, that even if you have a ref to a private class, say, CaseSelector. you can't expect that the property node will list all the properties if you just click on one of them. In this case if you have a property node for CaseSelector already, the list that pops up when clicking on a property doesn't show neither SelStrings, nor Default Case. That's apparently a second line of defense/hiding. I didn't think they would do that for private classes they thought we would not get our hands on anyways. Well, I was wrong. Thanks again. Now watch what the next version of LabHSM will be able to do soon! Stanislav Rumega
software engineering with LV
hviewlabs replied to differentstrokes's topic in Application Design & Architecture
We are sure our LabHSM toolkit will be of great interest for anybody interested in advanced LabVIEW architectures. LabHSM is a professionally designed toolkit that allows creating complex event-driven LabVIEW application as an easily maintainable collection of asynchronously communicating active objects ( actors ) based on a universal Hierarchical State Machine ( HSM or statechart ) template. The LabHSM toolkit enables the programmer to work on a higher level of abstraction and utilize agile software development methodologies combining design and coding in one highly flexible process. It is available for free unlimited trial period download at http://labhsm.com. -
I don't see neither in properties nor in methods for it even how to "get/set the default case, and GETTING the array of selector strings". Can you tell us how to do that at least?
This is official now: NI acknowledged LabHSM is a competition for its State Diagram Kit and refused to put even a couple of lines about LabHSM in its NI News email bulletin. It's not a speculation - we were explicitly told that competition with SDK WAS THE reason. This is despite they did publish information about third party products in NI News before! It's a great honor for a small company like H View Labs to be recognized as a competitor by NI itself. However, we were never going to compete with NI. We love NI and LabVIEW and strongly beleive that LabHSM would actually promote the use of LabVIEW itself by making the life of the LabVIEW Developers easier and, hence, increase LabVIEW and related products sales! Well, unfortunately, NI doesn't seem to share this view. This position obviously doesn't match their claims about supporting efforts of the third party developers and we think the community must know about this. About LabHSM: LabHSM is a professionally designed toolkit that allows creating complex event-driven LabVIEW application as an easily maintainable collection of asynchronously communicating active objects ( actors ) based on a universal Hierarchical State Machine ( HSM or statechart ) template. The LabHSM toolkit enables the programmer to work on a higher level of abstraction and utilize agile software development methodologies combining design and coding in one highly flexible process. Please see http://www.labhsm.com for details and a FREE UNLIMITED PERIOD TRIAL download. Stanislav Rumega NI Certified LabVIEW Developer H VIew Labs