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Everything posted by Yair

  1. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Jul 27 2008, 11:43 PM) Yes, that's what I meant. Windows does this by process name, and since all LabVIEW processes are named LabVIEW.exe, working in a folder in one LabVIEW version would mean that when you use another version you would get the same folder, even though the code in that folder is saved in the first version. Fun, fun, fun. As I said, I just use a custom places bar.
  2. QUOTE (Daklu @ Jul 26 2008, 04:13 AM) Yes, I did, but I meant that you should pass the event refnum to the dynamic VI and then throw the event from there instead of reading the control value from the dynamic VI. That way, the code will be more robust and you can trigger the event at the same time in every event structure which registered for it. I hope this makes it clearer. If not, you should look at LVx. I can't look at it currently, but it probably does something similar. If this still isn't clear, ask again and I'll try to post an example.
  3. QUOTE (hfettig @ Jul 25 2008, 04:01 PM) Like Norm, I wouldn't be shocked if this appeared in a future version. QUOTE (neB @ Jul 25 2008, 04:12 PM) Auto-grow (auto-explode) option is true by default. It's a good thing NI doesn't let you design LabVIEW. :laugh: Ignoring the discussion of whether auto-grow is good or not (I think it's essential as another means to avoid having bugs), the default option for everything should be what the novice user needs, not what the advanced one needs. The advanced one can either change it or use their old INI file. QUOTE (jdunham @ Jul 25 2008, 11:39 PM) My pet peeve is the file dialog box. It's great that it starts in the last folder you accessed. This is done by the OS, not by LabVIEW. To work around that, LabVIEW would have to use its own file dialog (which it does have and which you can select in the options screen (although I suppose it is hypothetically possible that LabVIEW could remember the last path and feed it itself into the dialog. That would of course have to be implemented and tested on all three platforms). Personally, I just use TweakUI and set the folders on the left to five folders I'm likely to use. By the way, you should note Darren's suggestion of going to the product suggestion center.
  4. Yair

    Alfa String

    How do you explain: How do you explain: How do you explain: How do you explain:
  5. QUOTE (eaolson @ Jul 24 2008, 11:42 PM) Like any tool, they have advantages, disadvantages, dangers, etc. There are places where it's the best solution and places where it's a terrible solution. If you know the details, you can use it. If not, you can not use it or use it and risk running into trouble. The thread you linked to is my thread, so you can see I was in the last group in that case. :headbang: QUOTE (Daklu @ Jul 25 2008, 01:41 AM) Thanks to everyone's help, I have an example "Timer" implementation that does most of what I want it to do. I can't read data from the dynamic vi until it stops running, but that's okay. As I said, I'm not a fan of this approach. I would prefer using a notifier or sending the event refnum to the dynamic VI and having it throw the event. QUOTE Is the idea that an event structure can have only a single Registration Refnum associated with it, but each Registration Refnum can have multiple User Events? Essentially, yes. Each event structure should have a single RR which can have multiple events (both dynamic and user) registered. The actual list of events has to be static, but each event can be registered and unregistered dynamically. QUOTE The other thing that concerns me is that I don't use the Unregister For Events or Destroy User Event prims at all Be sure to use them. Not using them is a recipe for having your program get stuck (or at least it used to be) and probably having memory leaks as well.
  6. Word has a fairly complete object model and I'm sure it's reasonably easy to add an image into a document. There should be some shipping examples of working with the Word ActiveX interface. You might run into issues with different versions of Word, accessing an already open document, etc.
  7. QUOTE (eaolson @ Jul 24 2008, 05:28 PM) There's no inherent problem with having two event structures. The problems come if you have two in the same loop (bad, since they can block) or when you handle filter events in more than one without knowing how they work or when you use the same dynamic event registration refnum in both structures, etc.
  8. You can split the panel into multiple panes. Then, the top pane will serve as your toolbar. There are probably examples in the example finder.
  9. You might also wish to get the notifier by name in both places. By the way, there are already pieces of code which do this (other than Norm's, of course). I believe I remember both Sciware GOOP and Tomi's OpenG LVOOP by-ref wrappers having actor VIs which communicate back this way.
  10. By the way, Felicia Day (who portrays Penny) wrote and starred in a web series called The Guild. The first episode is at [/url].
  11. I've got those as well, except for the forums, which I find impractical to follow in a non-threading RSS client (assuming there even are threading ones). I also have a couple of others.
  12. P.S. "I'm Dr. Horrible. I've got a PhD in horribleness". That joke was funny back in Austin Powers and it's still funny today. :laugh: P.P.S. For those wondering about the AP reference, it's the scene where someone calls him "Mr. Evil" and he replies with "Dr. Evil. I didn't go to Evil medical school for six years just to be called 'Mr.', thank you very much".
  13. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 21 2008, 02:27 PM) As someone who preaches about the importance of UI, do you *really* think it's a good idea for users to be able to change the appearance of the application to anything they want? :!:
  14. People should note that this will only be available until later tonight and then it will be gone. I like Joss Whedon, so I already watched the first two acts last week, but I'll only get to the third later.
  15. I'm not sure where you went, but the file linked to here downloads and runs just fine. Maybe you have firewall issues?
  16. You might be able to do this using remoting, but I'm not a .NET programmer, so I'm not familiar with the details. Personally, I'm not at all sure it would work with LabVIEW, but you can try checking the details.
  17. I don't have LV in front of me at the moment, so I can't look at your code, but you could try using the Mouse Down? event for the array and if allowed use the filters to modify the click to happen in a point which is on the array border. I don't think you can register the event for the array element directly, but you should be able to do this with dynamic registeration. You might be able to use the filter event to move the event to the array control.
  18. I'm not sure you can pass a .NET refnum across a DLL boundary like that. If I'm not mistaken, .NET references are only valid within the appdomain which created them, but you should verify that. What you might want to do is call the .NET code inside the C# application and only transfer the simple values.
  19. Again, look at the shipping examples (which do ship with 7.0). I don't remember if they show how to work with a specific file, but they show how to create a new Excel instance and you should be able to open a file in one of the higher levels of the hierarchy (presumably the application or workbook level).
  20. QUOTE (slubeck @ Jul 15 2008, 09:44 PM) Dan already gave you the path to the files. They are found inside the vi.lib folder which is is found inside the LabVIEW folder. In Windows, this is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW x.x\vi.lib by default. If you don't use the dynamic calls, you run the risk of having your code break when using a different version of Office, because Microsoft changes the interfaces between Office versions.
  21. There are examples of working with Excel in the Example Finder (Help>>Find Examples).
  22. QUOTE (shoneill @ Jul 15 2008, 06:16 PM) Just to nitpick, the problem isn't with the port number not being settable but with the default values overriding the set values when the server is enabled.
  23. It is scary, although I kept looking for the trick we're not shown (e.g. a safety tether, which does not appear to be used, or a human anchor walking behind). It looks like it's just dangerous. It actually reminded me of a scene in the original Half Life: Here's the full thing. It starts at about 6:15, although watching it like that takes all the fun out of it. P.S. Chris, that other place looks very impressive as well. I'm sure you liked it a lot with all the sport TV you can get there.
  24. I ran into this a while back and reported it using the beta mechanism. If I remember correctly, it was considered a bug (the default values being used when the server is enabled), but I don't have access to that information at the moment.
  25. QUOTE (Darren @ Jul 14 2008, 07:18 AM) I got it, but I didn't think it was anything more than slightly amusing. Might be because I'm lucky enough not to be bombarded by generic PP presentations all the time.
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