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Everything posted by eberaud

  1. Dear LabVIEW enthusiasts, Our application uses .NET methods to access a SQL Server Express LocalDB database. It works, since we do manage to get the records we want. But on a regular basis, the Open method of the Recordset freezes for several seconds instead of executing within a few milliseconds like it usually does. I was able to determine that it was the Open method (and not the GetRows or the Close methods) by measuring the elapsed time as shown on the attached screenshot. Do you know if there is a known issue? I do have the Database Connectivity Toolkit but I have never used it, is there any chance this would fix my issue? Thank you
  2. I agree that the effort doesn't seem to be proportionate to the gain...
  3. I like it, but I find the current structure of LAVA really handy (maybe it's a matter of habit) and it might not be worth transitioning...
  4. I ran into the same issue and couldn't figure out how to to this, even programmatically. If you managed to do this programmatically, can you guide me through the way to achieve it? Thanks
  5. Thank you. I have performed more tests and found that the problem would only happen with big files (at least 3MB). What happens is that my application loses the write permission only while Excel is loading the file, then it gets it back. So a bigger file means a longer loading time... I changed my code to keep trying for a maximum of 20s, then it gives up. This actually works remarkably well since I already had a queuing system, which means the "file writer" can catch up after having wasted time in this retrying loop. Does Windows somehow lock the file while it is being opened to guarantee the integrity of the data?
  6. The thing is that my application is quite heavy (automation, data logging, hardware drivers, etc.) and I don't want to make it heavier by opening/closing the file every time I write into it (which is every 500ms).
  7. Hi, I can't get my head around this issue. Let me lay out the scene: My application logs data in a .csv file. The file is created with R/W permissions through the "Open/Replace/Create File" VI. Then it uses the "Write to Binary File" to log the data, keeps the reference opened all along, and only close the file at the end. So far everything works perfectly. If I double click on the file in Windows Explorer, Excel sees that the file is being opened in LabVIEW and shows the typical message giving me the following choice: Read-only, Notify, or Cancel. If I cancel, Excel closes and things keep on going fine. However, if I do click "Read only", the "Write to Binary File" function in my LabVIEW application throws an error 8: File permission error. Somehow opening the file as read-only in Excel steals the write permission of LabVIEW. Have you ever experienced this? What could be happening? Emmanuel
  8. I guess the answer is cost. Not only the hardware itself, but we are very tight when it comes to development time, as we are a small team and have a lot on our plate. We are using the standard NI-CAN Frame API. Our problem is not so much on the incoming side. The biggest issue is that if our application doesn't send a specific message at least every 50ms let's say, the customer's hardware enters a fault protection mode... And the data of this message keeps changing, so we can't just set a periodic message and let the low level CAN driver handle it. That really helps, thanks!
  9. Our CANbus driver contains 3 timed loops: - #1 prepares and sends outgoing messages - #2 receives and parses incoming messages - #3 handles events and check the communication status Our driver's performance are not satisfying enough (we want it to run at a 10ms rate). It works ok most of the time (11ms, 9ms, 12ms, 10ms, 11ms, and so on) but the gap between loop iterations sometimes jump to 200ms before going back to an acceptable value. Quick tests showed that it is related to a user's request to change what HMI to display in a completely unrelated area of our application. This logically led me to one obsession: making sure our driver never relies on the UI thread. To achieve that, I set the execution thread to "other 1" and the priority to "time-critical". I know setting the thread to "other 1" is not a full guarantee, so I also tried to get rid of everything that would force the VI to go to the UI thread: I got rid of all the indicators and all the property and invoke nodes. The performances have already improved a lot, and the HMI activity in other part of our application no longer seem to influence the timed loop iterations. However I'd like to see what else I could optimize: - I still have a "stop" Boolean control. When it is set to True from another "manager" VI, the driver has to stop. All 3 timed loops poll this control to know whether to exit (one directly through the terminal, the other 2 through local variables). I know polling is not great, but my main worry is: because this is a control, does the VI still go to the UI thread whenever it is polled? Or only when its value change? I should also mention that I am not ever opening the front panel of the VI. - Loops #1 and #2 need to be able to notify #3 that a read or write operation failed, so that #3 can take care of resetting the device and restarting the communication. Right now, #1 and #2 simply write the error in a dedicated error cluster (so I actually still have 2 indicators left I guess) and #3 polls those errors through local variables. Does that mean that at each iteration the VI goes to the UI thread since I am writing to those error clusters at each loop iteration? Any comment on optimization in general is more than welcome! Emmanuel
  10. A quick google search led me to this article: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Change-one-and-two-button-dialog-windows-do-they-do-not-block/idi-p/983941 You're right, the 1-button and 2-button dialog box uses the root loop, but the 3-button does not, so I could work around the issue by replacing my dialogs with the 3-button version. It works great now. Thank you for pointing me to this "root loop", I had never heard of it before, and wouldn't have found that article that easily without this keyword! Regards Emmanuel
  11. Hi, I am facing a weird situation and would like to get your insights. My application is quite large (>1000 VIs). When I run it, an initialization phase takes place, and around 10 or 20 objects are created (LVOOP). Most of these objects start their engine using the Open VI Reference and then the Run method. If they encounter any warning during that phase, they enqueue a message to display, and a dedicated VI keeps checking this queue and opens a LV Dialog (with just a OK button) when it finds an element. The purpose is to allow the initialization phase to continue instead of waiting for the user to acknowledge the window. Then when the init phase is complete, the user can just acknowledge all the dialogs one after another. (usually there is like 1 or 2, not much more). I ran my code this morning and was surprised to see that the init phase would still wait for me to acknowledge the dialog. A few probes showed me that the application was stuck in one of the Open VI Reference call. After I acknowledge the window, it would process normally. I am wondering what is causing this behavior and whether it is a known issue. Could it be related to the fact that the Dialog is modal and somehow holds the thread in which the Open VI Reference executes? This is weird, because other complex operations (connecting to a database,...) manage to execute while the dialog is open... Thank you very much for your help Emmanuel
  12. Thanks to all of you. Since execution time is not really an issue and since I don't have much time, I don't think I'm going to change my code. But I'll definitely use all your advices and remarks for my next project that is likely to be using LabVIEW. Bye all
  13. Thank you for your quick answers ! Actually my job is only a display issue. The real data are continuously stored in a file by the acquisition software. If Windows XP crashes, then the data are not lost and a report can still be generated. So I'm not too concerned about that. What I need to know is the reasonable size I can give to my buffer. Let's make the calculation for 48 hours: - Rate = 10s means 6 records per minute, 360 per hour, 8640 for a day. So I need an array of DBL of 100 lines and 17280 columns for 48 hours. What I understand from what you told me is that it's far from the limit. - 100 x 17280 = 1728000 values of 8 bytes meaning = 13 MBytes for 48 hours. I guess it's also far from the limit. Now the graphs: I have 10 graphs with 10 channels maximum. This requires the same memory as the array: 13 MBytes for 48 hours. So finally my whole display system requires 26 MBytes in RAM. Do you reckon it's still reasonable ? We have to take into account that this will run simultaneously with the acquisition system which is a bit heavy. So far I'm not doing any initialization. I start with an empty array and I use the "insert into array" function. Should I rather initialize an array 100x17280 and use the "Replace" function ? In this case, what should the software do after 48 hours of running ? (I don't think this will really happen but we never know) Thanks again ! Manudelavega
  14. Hi, this message being my first one, please excuse me if it's not at the right location. I really tried to find an existing topic but couldn't find one. This is my question: My application is buffering (it's not a circular buffer) data in a 2D array of DBL values. This array is in a global variable so that other VIs (graphs...) can access it to display some of the buffered channels. My buffer rate is quite slow (1 record every 10 seconds) but I need to be able to display data over at least 24 hours, more if possible. Since the graphs themselves also use memory I guess, I need to define the maximum size of my array (meaning the maximum record time), as well as the history lenght of my graphs. This application is working beside another one made by another guy, handling the hardware acquisition and updating a shared memory. So I can't do any kind of hardware buffer. Could you advise me about - the maximum size in MegaBytes my array can take - the maximum number of elements arrays can accept in LabVIEW (if there is any maximum) Thanks a lot for your help
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