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Everything posted by Sparkette

  1. Okay, well thank you very much regardless! I seriously appreciate the effort you both put in!
  2. Maybe; I've never played Factorio. My question might apply to that too.
  3. As we all know, automating industrial systems is a huge use case for LabVIEW. As it happens, building these types of systems in Minecraft (with varying levels of realism) is a popular activity among players of mod packs like Feed The Beast, which add a lot of high-tech craftables to the game. Which makes me wonder: has anyone tried using LabVIEW to control factories in Minecraft? You could probably set something up pretty easily with a mod like ComputerCraft or OpenComputers, which allows for opening network connections. Just write a program in-game to communicate with something in LabVIEW and pass data around. Maybe someday there will even be a mod designed for this purpose, with craftable in-game versions of real NI hardware—I wonder what the crafting recipe for a PXI chassis would be? And the mod could install a virtual network adapter on your PC that would show up to LabVIEW as if it were actually one of those devices. (Maybe even emulating them—isn't the firmware available free through NI Package Manager?) Come to think of it, now that Community Edition is a thing, I could even see NI assigning a small team to make that mod; it could be a fun way to spread familiarity, and even some degree of experience, with their hardware. EDIT: Just for fun, I submitted it to NI Idea Exchange. https://forums.ni.com/t5/PXI-and-Instrumentation-Idea/Make-a-Minecraft-mod-that-adds-in-game-versions-of-NI-hardware/idi-p/4084512?profile.language=en
  4. Thanks! I'll be sure to post here if I find a way too. Might be able to do some cool stuff with the VI data space as well, once I read up on what that's about. Cool to see more people interested in exploring LabVIEW's attic
  5. That's very interesting, thanks! However, I tried it and it doesn't give me the pointer I needed. Unless I'm doing something wrong?
  6. That is, to get the address that would be shown in the Heap Peek window. I doubt there's an official way to do it, but is anyone aware of a private method or named internal function to do it? I'm sure I could locate the reference table in memory and look it up there, but I'm not sure if there's any way to obtain the address for that in as much of a version-agnostic way as possible. (And yes, I know the internal structures at those addresses are subject to change regardless. But ideally I'd like some way to do it that won't break just because a minor unrelated patch happened to place something at a different memory address.)
  7. I've never experienced that myself, but that's probably because I've only ever tried running it in a VM.
  8. Ah right, I forgot about that. Though I swear I remember using a trial version on my Mac at some point back when I used one. I wonder though, do they really need anything elaborate for a license manager? I doubt it would be difficult to put something together from scratch. I guess it wouldn't necessarily be worth the effort for a free product though—hell, I wasn't expecting them to ever give away LabVIEW for noncommercial hobbyist use at all, as much as I hoped they would. I already filled out the Site Feedback form reporting it as a bug, but I guess if nothing else it'll make them aware that the message is misleading. I'm going to try bypassing the NI Package Manager by copying an already-completed installation from a VM into Wine.
  9. Has anyone mentioned how long it takes to start up?
  10. It specifically says "previous versions" in the message.
  11. It seems to think that LabVIEW 2020 isn't the latest version, saying an SSP subscription is required to download it. My guess is there's a bug where it thinks "2020 Patch" is the latest, even though it requires "2020" in order to install. Still though, it doesn't have Community Edition. But it does make me wonder about something: IIRC the only reason they don't have it available for Linux is because of technical issues with the license manager, rather than any desire to force people to use Windows. So if I were to download a different edition for Linux and crack it to work without a license, while I'm aware that would be against the EULA, would I really be violating the spirit of the EULA as long as I don't use it for anything I wouldn't be allowed to use Community Edition for? It would only be as a necessary part of a workaround for something they'd presumably allow if it were technically feasible, so maybe NI wouldn't care. That's how I see it anyway. Don't take that as legal advice though!
  12. I've tried both NXG and 2020 (both Community Edition) and get the same problem: the "NI Package Manager" window appears, but it's solid black, and just hangs. I know LabVIEW probably wasn't designed with Wine in mind, but is anyone aware of a fix? It would be nice to run it on Linux without all the overhead of a VM.
  13. "Fill in the blank: My favorite thing about #LabVIEW is _____."


  14. I hope so. It would be nice to not have to bother with a VM.
  15. Seeing as you're the admin, is there any way you can set up a redirect? Maybe something on the site where you can paste a URL and have it find the current link?
  16. Isn't there an optional ability VI you can add to an XControl that will modify the state before saving? It says it's specifically for this purpose.
  17. Aww, that's a shame. It would still be nice to get it added to LabVIEW though; then it will be possible to use this framework without adding a big dependency. New data types sound exciting though; are you allowed to say what they are? (A hint at least?)
  18. @X___: I'm curious, how did you make that class wire look like that? I know how to do it; I'm just curious if you used my tool to do it.
  19. I haven't used this toolkit much but I'm using a Windows 7 VM as well and I haven't noticed any issues.
  20. This'll be a feature in the next version. Also wtf, those six characters in the screenshot filename just came from an RNG
  21. In any application where a GPIB connection error is not fatal, there may as well not even be a warning. :p

  22. When I mentioned manually manipulating the resources I was actually thinking something like #3. Well to be more precise, I was picturing my own tool (linked in my signature) that can do the same thing, but NI certainly has their own that they use, that's probably better than mine. (lets hope it leaks :p)
  23. I'd think you used this but I don't think it works in LV 2017. Did you manually pull the VI from lvdialog.rsc and copy the FPHP to a new VI?
  24. Here's a shortcut menu plugin I wrote that does something I've found myself needing every now and then. You select some objects, right-click, select "Ad-Hoc Scripting", and then it'll open a new VI with pre-populated refnums in a cluster. All selected objects will be included in the cluster, as will a refnum to the VI, its panel, and its diagram. Ad-Hoc VI Scripting.llb
  25. Yes, that's what I meant. If it's being added as a native LabVIEW feature, then maybe NI will add this functionality. I'm asking whether or not they will, as it seems obvious that they would if they were developing the feature from the start, and it would be a shame if they didn't. I'd like to know what they have planned. Also, what about clusters and arrays?
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