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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. According to wikipedia The only major difference I can tell is the size of the FPGA and NI don't state that there even is one in their docs.
  2. Well. I've been there. I wrote a library for changing UI elements "on-the-fly" (passa mak). I deliberately excluded unicode since it is platform dependent, but it could be modified for a particular use case.
  3. Labview doesn't (officially) support Unicode. There is a "hack" to display Unicode chars in indicators, but all labview functions/primitives still only support ASCII. You need to use the library that Tim_S linked to to even have a chance of manipulating unicode chars, which you are obviously not using.
  4. When people ask me how I spell my name. I say "like the sheep"
  5. I have, sort of But only for the UI (not for things like charts etc, but I suppose I could have). I used the same code as I use for config dialogues (it just iterates over UI controls), and kept a history of changes in a DB. You then just query the DB. You can go back, forward and, if you put a little bit of additional info in (like a short description), you can list the last (say) 10 changes in a menu and jump straight to them unwinding the list. By linking the entries to the control label, it works transparently and is not application dependent. I also attached events to all controls that I was interested in so I didn't have to write specific queries to enter them into the DB.
  6. Nope. Don't know you or what your real name is (a hoover is a vacuum cleaner over here and in everyday usage). It was, and always will be a typo (apologies). My handle, however, IS my real name. (I don't care how you spell it and even I get it wrong sometimes whilst typing. Luckily I rarely refer to myself in the third person )
  7. Yup. I checked my snippet after Hoover said (on another thread) and it was fine. I've now uploaded the same snippet to http://postimage.org/image/5p8stekp7/ and it works fine when downloaded. Definitely something going on with lavag.org. Maybe it's now being optimised/compressed?
  8. You are expecting that "Whole Match" really means Whole Match except those bits I don't want? LV Help To match individual components you have to create capture groups. The ?: syntax means that you exclude that component from the list of capture groups (this isn't a LV peculiarity, it's how all regex parsers work). So whilst (The quick brown fox jumped over thes*)([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(s*dog) will give you three terminal outputs with 1. The quick brown fox jumped over the 2. lazy 3. dog (The quick brown fox jumped over thes*)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)(s*dog) will give you only two terminals with 1. The quick brown fox jumped over the 2. dog Similarly. The quick brown fox jumped over thes*([a-zA-Z0-9]*)s*dog will give you only one terminal with 1. lazy In all cases the Whole Match will give you the whole string if all capture groups match and bugger all if it doesn't.
  9. The way I resolved a similar issue was to use the "Path to Command Line String.vi" (which isn't on the palettes) rather than path to string then hacking the string. It seems to work on all platforms. You can then just use all the path primitives (e.g. strip and build) to traverse the path without worrying about the underlying format.
  10. Sure. Sometimes.Although unless you have programed in C you might think y -= m < 3 is rather obtuse. I'd defy anyone to say that string formatting in C is "more readable" though.
  11. Well. The Bitcoin system has had its first very public robustness test in terms of the protocol/system. Good community response (developers and traders) to the issue which was resolved quickly.
  12. Something similar was discussed here: Get HTTP vi not Reentrant? (surprised you are not using websockets for this)
  13. You might want to take a look at the Transport.lib as well. It has an example of UDP Multicast and some nice features such as encryption, compression, timestamps and payload size (you can use more than 1500 byte payloads on windows and linux).
  14. Do you have an example (picture) of what you are trying to achieve?
  15. Yes. You can export a complete hierarchy to a couple of formats (including HTML) from within the IDE Look in the help under "Print Dialog Box"
  16. Why not just have a "Shut-down" actor which knows what order to shut things down?
  17. Perhaps it is because I also maintain the binaries (generally). These are usually under a separate repository and pulled in when needed (not as easy in Git as SVN) so that up issuing them doesn't require up issuing of the labview source (separate tree). Probably more my workflow so perhaps not a good idea as a generic.
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