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Posts posted by ShaunR

  1. Confirmed.

    I'll leave it a week or two so to see if anything else crops up then release a bug fix.

    Just to clarify the interim fix for this:

    1. Locate and open SQLite_Query-Transaction.VI (It is in the "Query" Virtual folder under "Core".
    2. Right-click on the case structure (there is only one)
    3. Select "Make This Case True" from the popup menu
    4. Save the VI

    It should now work as intended.

  2. Just wanted to point out a small bug I found in Query Transaction.vi in 1.3.0. You have the cases switched in the case structure that includes the rowid. It's probably something leftover from when you switched the logic of the boolean.

    Also, since this is my first time commenting on this, thank you. This has been a lifesaver for me.


    I'll leave it a week or two so to see if anything else crops up then release a bug fix.

    • Like 1
  3. So you could use something like a "tagging" RCF plugins with options like "tag as unclean / buggy / need doc".

    How about something similar to vugie's "Label Manager", you'd have possibility to apply different tags (editable list) and when you launch the manager, it would search the project you are in to find all the tag.

    Thats pretty much what mine does. Tags are very flexible and you can add more and more as the need arises. Although I found it easier just to define a tag rather than have a fancy interface for managing them.

    • Like 1
  4. Update: Have been using InnoSetup for a while now, and love it! It's got most of the features that I want, and those it doesn't I have been able to work around. InnoIDE, on the other hand, is pretty buggy - I'm using it, but mostly for the syntax highlighting of my innoscripts. Thanks everyone :)

    ISTool is the GUI I use.I haven''t come across any bugs (not saying there aren't any) and it's been around a lot longer than the Inno one (5 years+).

  5. If your thinking about password protecting some or all of your code........I seem to remember reading at one point (it's disappeared since the super-new download section....fantastic by the way thumbup1.gif) that uploads to LAVA must include source and must not be protected with a password. Perhaps an admin can carify that?

  6. No. It's probably because I was beginning to play around with them and thought they were fun. (I still do. :) )

    Bonus link.

    They are fun until you see things like this:

    ^(?((Jan(uary)?|Ma(r(ch)?|y)|Jul(y)?|Aug(ust)?|Oct(ober)?|Dec(ember)?)\ 31)|((Jan(uary)?|Ma(r(ch)?|y)|Apr(il)?|Ju((ly?)|(ne?))|Aug(ust)?|Oct(ober)?|(Sept|Nov|Dec)(ember)?)\ (0?[1-9]|([12]\d)|30))|(Feb(ruary)?\ (0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]|(29(?=,\ ((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)))))))\,\ ((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2}))


    Regexlib.com is a great place for 'em. And each one has a test button so you can try it out on your own strings

    • Like 1
  7. No, so here... jcarm-ReqHatch.zip

    Run jcarm-ReqHatch/Code/ReqHatch.vi to see it work.

    Let me know if y'all think that it can be extended into something useful. There's a lot of work left for me to do, and I hope to work on soon it with my next ATE project.


    Can't try it because of all the jki stuff. But I get the jist of it.

    I notice you use a regex to find the labels. Is that because they can be buried in text paragraphs on the BD?

  8. You're right, but an underling is should be able to do "CTRL+F" wink.gif

    To be fair, this solution is quite simple and have some lacks but it is also quite easy to use and to maintain.

    Of course. I was just being pedantic.rolleyes.gif But that does mean that all the VIs have to be in memory and therefore you have to load the whole application which I don't often do until near the end and especially if I'm not working on it at that time.

    But I'm a great fan of check-lists and its nice to give someone a list and for them to come back with all the boxes ticked which can then go in the system to prove they have been covered (especially for progress meetings). I even print them for myself and pin it to the wall so tat I have a list of stuff I can cross-off. It's more tracking than anything else (like JCarmodys requirements thingy) and it's super easy to do.

  9. I thought of this old post of mine when I read your post; you responded with this, (from July 2009) Would it help with what you're doing now?

    Oooh. I've not seen that (or forgotten it). worshippy.gif

    Mine is a bit simpler and targets todos only. But I love the idea for requirements tracking using comments and it's not a great leap (method is the same maybe just need a tag.wink.gif). I've recently updated mine with a database so you can do queries on different todos so that would make requirements tracking and reporting a breeze.

    Did you ever upload it?

  10. I opted for "Todo" comments with some simple keywords (like <ICON>* and <DOC>. I then wrote a VI that would scan the diagrams in a project, directory or memory and extract the ToDo comments giving me a nice categorised check-list of all the outstanding things to do.

  11. I'm working on an OS project (soon coming into the CR) and thinking about the licensing options.

    I would prefer a 'strong', 'viral' OS license for the App itself, such as GPL.

    But there are some reuse candidates, which I'd like to be able to use in other projects as well (non-GPL, propretarian). So preferable those VIs would be licensed under BSD.

    Anyone has suggestions how to correctly deal with this?


    It's a mine-field wacko.gif It's difficult enough with so many licenses let alone sub-dividing within your software.

    If you distribute an app with a particular license, people will assume that it covers all aspects of that software. If you have different components within that software that have a different licenses you're (IMHO) setting them up to breach some of your licensing. Sure they "should" read all the conditions but do you if you see a product that says it's released under the BSD in the CR? Or do you already know the BSD and not bother reading the licensing?

    You could release it under "other", then have a detailed document provided with the download that explicitly states what parts/modules have what licenses and summarise what they can ad can't do to make it absolutely clear and hope that they read it and the other licenses. However the user has to download and read everything before deciding whether the licensing is appropriate for their use rather than just looking at the software page.

    Alternatively, you could release them as separate distributions, with their own licensing, and make your app dependent on those "modules". This makes things much clearer to the end user but requires the user to download sub-components to use your app. This isn't a problem with the JKI package manager, but a real bugbear for those that don't use it and might mean they don't download at all.

    The third alternative, of course, is that you only have 1 license to cover all the software and it's components and not complicate matters. It's only really an issue if you want to sell your software or components. After all, how "FREE" is your software if you have to buy the dependencies?

  12. 7zip isn't a compression method. It's really a unifying (and extendible) interface to several methods the default being LZMA. As such, it's really pants to try and wrap it in LV (ever wonder why no-one has written a LV wrapper?) It'd be much easier to compile the separate dlls (zip,LZMA et al) and use those.

    But the OP only wants one....any one!, As long a it can do >2GB. If the openG implementation can do it then all he needs is the x64 dll and it'll plop straight in.

  13. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=161

    Name: Fast Trim

    Submitter: ShaunR

    Submitted: 03 Jan 2011

    File Updated: 16 Jan 2011

    Category: *Uncertified*

    LabVIEW Version: 2009

    License Type: BSD (Most common)

    Just an alternative to the in-built "Trim whitespace.vi" function but much faster (3x?).

    It's not a direct replacement (although it could be) since it does not allow left and right trim separately. But it does allow trimming of all non-printable characters as well as whitespace if required (default is just whitepace).

    It's an offshoot from one of my projects that I thought may be of interest to the speed freaks out there.

    Click here to download this file

  14. ShaunR,

    I am already trying the openg implementation. is there also a 64bit implementation of the zlib-package? RAR would be an opportunity but I would prefer the zip-implementation.

    I'm not aware of 64 bit support for the OpenG Zip package. (I'm also not aware of a rar implementation at all). There was a discussion here a while back. Might be worth nudging Rolf nicely to see how far he got.

  15. Hi everyone,

    I am trying to compress a file larger than 2 GB. Unfortunately I get the error code 4. Obviously there is a 2 GB file restriction. Is there a workarround to compress files larger than 2GB?

    Best Regards,



    The NI site discusses some work-arounds. Bit it 'aint pretty.

    I don't know if the OpenG zip implementation is also restricted or not (2GB is a limitation of the original Zip spec, I think). But you could give that a try.

  16. I would use 2 queues since command-response are instrinsicly ordered.

    Place your command onto a queue. When a response is received, read an element from the command queue and add it, AND the response onto another (log) queue.

    Then all you need to do is read the log queue to display the message-response list.

  17. Updo^H^H^H^H


    Undo! Yes, that's it!

    I still remember the fuss some members of the LV user community made over LV developers "wasting their time" implementing undo...

    Ooooh. Yes! and that reminds me of "PERVERT" "REVERT". For those "dead end" moments when you've been owned by the spaghetti biggrin.gif

  18. Thanks, I will take a look at it. I did get the functionality I needed by copying and modifying the TCP_NoDelay VI that has been referenced. Since I am writing applications to test network stacks on other devices I need to delve much deeper into TCP than what the native LabVIEW functionality provides.

    On a related note, is it possible to generate packets that are not TCP or UDP based via LabVIEW? For instance, if I want to generate ICMP or ARP packets or write a RARP (yes, I know it is an arcane and antiquated protocol) server in LabVIEW.

    Rolf did some raw socket stuff a while ago that should be worth looking at.

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