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Everything posted by CRoebuck

  1. A little rule I always apply in situations like this is to remember that "people always criticise things they don't fully underatand" I've spent 14 years programming in labVIEW , it was my first language , it is my go-to language (ecuse the pun) and it makes me more productive. I'm happy EDIT: Just read Dave's response, it makes me optimisic to know that guys like Dave and AQ are driving the direction of this product. Great reponse.
  2. Really good job. I have read several whitepapers written by you in the past and like your style. I'm off to dig aorund the example code so may be back with questions as I'm a hopeless in the kitchen.
  3. Enjoying using #Labview after a break, it's like putting on an instance of the "old comfortable pair of slippers" class

  4. #niukie best coffee around !

    Enjoying co-teaching with Rich Roberts, very slick demo's from him today.

  5. Enjoying doing a co-teach of LabVIEW core 2

  6. Hope all my friends in the DFW area are staying safe.

  7. To those of you at the #clasummit whom I mentioned this to, as promised here's the evidence !! (Appologies to NI) http://t.co/28KCKCGg

  8. I would just like to wish all my friends from the #CLASummit a safe onward / homeward journey. Had an amazing 2 days with you all.

  9. Stephen Mercer introduces Actor Framework to the #clasummit at #niukie HQ

  10. Thanks #niukie for a great evening discussing #LabVIEW with so many smart people at the #CLASummit Great dinner too,

  11. #labview #CLASummit Certified LabVIEW Architects Anonymous : The first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem with your code

  12. #Labview actor framework , going to give it a go this weekend. Where to start ? Ah yes, the community page titled "Start here" !

  13. Flying home to England after an amazing #CLASummit , thanks Fab , Rob , #labview for making it possible.

  14. MVC by role play at the #CLASummit

  15. Jeff K talks about #labview OOP

  16. Actually count me and my fellow brit Mr Steve Watts in.....
  17. Count me in !
  18. Meetings: Minutes are taken, hours are lost

  19. Meetings: Minutes are taken, hours are lost

  20. OK, you need to pass the class data out of the LabVIEW action step to a TestStand variable (of data type Object Reference) and then pass it as an input param to the next LabVIEW step that needs the class data however I am not sure if that is available to you using TestStand 4.2, not sure if TestStand 4.2 allows LabVIEW classes to be passed as an object ref. Chris
  21. Hi there Mirash Firstly what version of TestStand are you working with ? From what I remember ,there are a few issues with dynamic dispatch not working as it should from TestStand. You have to provide a wrapper around the vi's and let LabVIEW dynamically dispatch. If you try to do this from TestStand you end up always calling the parent method. You also need to specifiy the LabVIEW class as part of the step settings else come deployment time the TestStand deployment utility see multiple vi's with the same name and throws an error. (It doesn't see the .lvclass part of the name) Good luck Chris
  22. Hi there, Me and my team have used LVOOP (Factory pattern) with TestStand very recently. It works but with a very big "BUT", You must use TestStand 2010 SP1 and must specify the LabVIEW project being used for each step configuration, if you wish to make naked calls to dynamically dispatch vi's in TestStand (passing in the LVOOP class from TestStand. If you use an older version the DD doesn't work and you end up always calling the parent implementation. If you must use TestStand < 4.5 then you will need to put your dynamic dispatch vi's in a wrapper vi and let LabVIEW do the dispatch (I have no idea if the deployment works, TestStand probably see's lots of vi's with the same name and gives up. Chris
  23. Hi I recently moved to the Mac platform and am looking for a low cost graphic design / image editing tool that I can use to create / edit images for a blog. Anybody had any good (or bad) experiences that they would like to share ? Chris
  24. In additon to getting your hands on LabVIEW drivers (if available) or writing your own you're also going to need some way of interfacing to the equipment (JDS Uniphase stuff) Typically this is going to be via one of the following methods; USB LAN GPIB In the case of GPIB then you're going to need a GPIB interface for your PC, National Instruments do an high speed USB-GPIB interface, see here; http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/201586 USB and LAN are less costly interfaces but can be more complicated to chain if you have many instruments to control. Chris
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