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Jolt last won the day on March 24 2015

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  1. I recently posted this example code to ni.com - https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-40315 Essentially I tried to create a completely universal (or close thereto) Cluster to Struct and Back Again set of functions. These consider packing/padding, data alignment, endian-ness, etc. I included some examples that have arrays and strings in the cluster as well as data pointers. I see this topic being fairly active here on LAVA and to a slightly lesser degree at NI.com Anyway, I don't know if the code will help anyone but I would be helped by any feedback or suggestions if anyone does try it! Cheers, -Jolt
  2. Hello All, I know this has been a topic (several times) before but does anyone know of a way to access (send) email through a service such as gmail from a non-windows machine (i.e. RT) assuming that the equipment is sitting on a network without an email server? From previous discussions it seems almost hopeless and unfortunately I am definitely not nearly competent enough in the more detailed HTTP, TLS, etc. issues to even attempt to offer my own solution. I apologize if this post is just beating a dead horse - I’m just not used to the idea that something like this does not have a (relatively easy) solution in LV... Cheers, Jolt
  3. Silly question (it may just be that my brain is slow today): where is the reference to "FileSystem" found?
  4. Great original post by siva! Unfortunately the links don't work anymore. Anyone have any ideas? Specifically, I'm having trouble with the Javascript side of things - parsing and displaying the returned XML string... Pointers and/or examples appreciated! Cheers, -Jolt
  5. QUOTE (mesmith @ Apr 16 2009, 11:57 AM) If you have to rebuild anyway I would reconsider the suggestion to move away from stacked sequences - even if you don't have to rebuild getting rid of sequences is a great exercise and good programing practice anyway... Try State Machines!
  6. QUOTE (asbo @ Apr 10 2009, 08:13 AM) asbo may be correct, it depends on what exactly you are trying to do - The loop in the answer above is only necessary if you are trying to add a 1-d "Array B" to every row of 2-D "Array A." There are, of course, many other ways to do this very thing but the auto-indexing For loop is a good place to start. The indexed loop also allows any number of rows in Array A - all will be processed. If none of these answers make sense please clarify the behavior you are looking for...
  7. Jolt

    zeroing LVDT

    QUOTE (solerpwr07 @ Apr 8 2009, 03:46 PM) I assume you have some sort of "structure" your code is running in - this could be a simple While loop or better, an event driven state machine... Click on the outer edge of this structure and create a shift register - shift registers are you friends! Initialize the register on the left hand side with a constant, probably a "0" as a double precision float (usually orange). When you get a LVDT reading subtract the the register value from it. Most of the time you will wire the left and right registers together - this will pass the current value "around" again. Create a "zeroing" case or event that allows you to put the base LVDT reading into the right hand register - this will be the new offset and will be "passed around" until you change it again. Remember to wire the register "through" every case in multiple case structures.
  8. QUOTE (LV_FPGA_SE @ Apr 9 2009, 10:42 PM) Thanks! I started to play with direct TCP this last night - Unfortunately I was not successful so far, probably do to company firewall issues. Any other examples very much appreciated and I'll work on getting code out of the CVS system soon. BTW, I agree with rolfk - I would rather understand what I'm doing and use low-level functions, especially for simple tasks, but I haven't quite figured out all that network protocol stuff...
  9. Siri, I think you are asking to take every row in Array A and add Array B to get a row in Array C with that row defined as C1 = A1 + B1....Cn = An + Bn. If this is the case: One of the most straight-forward ways to do is to put Array A and B outside of a For loop (do not wire anything to the "N" of the loop). Wire A and B to the left edge of the loop. Right click each "tunnel" and select "Enable Indexing" for Array A and "Disable Indexing" for array B. Inside the loop use the numeric "add" for the two inputs and wire the output to the right edge of the loop. Select "Enable Indexing" to the output, create an indicator outside the loop and see the results! Have fun,
  10. Hello all, Specifically, I have an instrument that published a "website" with feedback information. I would like to be able to read this from a cRIO. This is very straightforward in Windows with examples such as "weather" using ActiveX and "atomic clock" using DataSocket. Unfortunately it seems that when deployed on a RT target, DataSocket does not support HTTP. Any suggestions? BTW, this instrument also supports Web Services using SOAP - Again, a no brainer in Windows with the Web Services Wizard (tools>>import>>web service...) but also NFG on the RT...
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