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Everything posted by spaghetti_developer

  1. I'm sorry but perhaps I wasn't clear. I would like to add to the block diagram of a VI, which I created dinamically using the scripting, an Invoke node (the AbortVI invoke node) programmatically, still using the VI Scripting. I can't believe you can't do it! I'm having the same problem on adding the property node to the block diagram.
  2. Hi guys, I would like to know how can I add a new Invoke node refered to the new VI I have already created?
  3. Hi ALL, I've got some plugins for the quick drop built with LV2009. I used them many times. Now I'd like to used them on my labview 2010 and labview 2012 but I can't find the right location where to copy them! Where I have to copy them to be able to use them while I'm developing? Thank you guys in advance!
  4. Hi everybody, I'm working with the serial communication port and even though I'm flushing both the buffers (either the receiver and the transmitter) when I go to read the answer to the command I've already sent on the bus I also read the echo of the command. The flush functions are set before the reading procedure then I guessed this functions cleans both the buffers on the serial device but it doesn't do it. So, can anyone explain to me how exactly work the flush function on the serial port? Thank you in advance.
  5. Well, I'd read that document before developed my software. In the document is described how to clean the registry key manually, but how about cleans hundreds of COM ports assigned? It's a very boring job, so I developed a software which does that, automatically.
  6. I've made a new version of this software, the difference of this one from the previous is that I've introduced a recursive function to clean the FTDI registry keys instead of the step-by-step clean function which presume you have to know the number of indent keys inside the root key you have passed. I leaved both of the solutions on the project to let you to choose which solution is better for your usage. Switch from one solution to the other is easy, simply change the function FTDI - regKeyCleaner_recursively with the FTDI - regKeyCleaner_byStep. The feed-backs are welcome. COMPortsEnumCleaner_V2.zip
  7. Thank you asbo for the links, I've already read them and I've done a tool that do exactly what it is described on that posts automatically. I think it can be useful for the other users of this group. My software is specific for FTDI converter but I think it can be adapted for any other type of converter easily. Attached the zip with my code! COMPortsEnumCleaner.zip
  8. Hi guys, Every time I connect RS232/USB converter to my USB port, windows sets a new COM number to my device. Now this number became too high and, even though it shouldn't create problems, I would like to reset it and start again from COM2 and go on (the COM1 is the physical RS232 on board of my desktop). Do you know how can I reset this enumerator? Thank you in advance.
  9. @JamesMc86 the article you have suggested me to read was very helpful. Thank you guys for your advices.
  10. Hi guys, I have to develop a software that has to control a waveform generation using a PXI-6541 and two PXI-5412. The first board has to generate a digital data syncronized with the arbitrary waveforms which will be genereted by the other two. Can someone tell me what is the best method to use to synchronize the three boards? Which is the best board to use as master on the clock source? Can MAX 5.0 simulate this hardware? Thank you in advance.
  11. Thank you guys for your advices....
  12. Both work properly, but I'd rather use the first solution, I like it more. I just want to point out that you have to care to have enable the property "update value while typing" of both the controls to be sure that the Value Change event is fired at every changes!
  13. Saverio, you're right, it was my fault, I think such as everybody here I do not have a lot of time to spend to read the articles of NI carefully and some time I have to skip some parts of them and this is an error which can make you to waste time after.
  14. Hi guys, I have a wrapper to a DLL which was written in C, now the DLL used from the wrapper was updated to a new version, so I have to reload the DLL into the "Call library function" for each function of the wrapper that I've already created and it is a very boring job. Therefore, I would like to know if exists a trick to use to update all functions of a dll wrapper in one shot? Does it exist?
  15. Hi guys, I'm here again. I have a dialog to ask the user to insert the SN of the Device under test. I set the property "Key focus" of the String control where the user has to insert the SN, on "true" to be sure that at start up of the dialog the key focus is set to the SN string control and to be able to catch the key press of the user but, when I enable this property of the control a black rectangle appears around the control and I would like it doesn't appear. How can I avoid that that rectangle appears? Thank you in advance.
  16. Again, I've solved the problem. Here the solution to allow others people to do not waste time with this stupid thing. The problem was due to the name of error file I've created. To be loaded from the IDE, it must be named as you want except for the last part of the name which have to be "-errors" and which you have to insert before of the "txt", the extension of the file. This is required but no one says it to you! Anyway, thank you for the support you've given me many times.
  17. Hi guys, I'm back again with my questions. Following this article http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3209 on the NI web site, using the error code file editor, I have created my own custom error file. It was my first time! The file is txt format and it is located at user.lib path. I've already restarted labview (2011 version) but I'm not able to raise an error which is handled by the txt file I have created. If I set the error code on the error cluster with a code handled by my custom file, I receive a non defined error message from labview but this isn't the truth! So here my question: how can I raise a error which is handled by a custom error file? Does someone help me? Thank you in advance.
  18. Helped by a NI support Engineer I have achieved what I wanted to achive using the Lends Number of Rows coupled with the Legends plot minimum properties. If yuo are interested in see what we have done, look at the attached VI. Modifying the Lends Rows control you will see the effect. The legend will be resize properly (avoiding the exceeding plots). Try inserting as sample 10 --> 25 --> 12. Graph_Problem - Fixed.vi
  19. Not exactly! The property "Legend --> Number of Rows" just allows you to control how many plots will be shown to the user. I want to clean the number of plots I don't need into the Legged.
  20. Hi guys, Today I'm having a new problem to troubleshoot. I'm populating a graph and I'm customizing its plots every time the user click on a button. The number of waves shown into the graphs can change on each click and the plots number depends on the number of waves selected by the user. How can I clean the exceeding number of plots previously configured when the user pass from a high number of waves to a lower number of waves? I would like to remove the exceding plots from the legend, not just clean theirs name. I hope that what I want to achive is clear. Thank you in advance.
  21. Hi Guys, I'm populating a tree control with a lot of information and I would like to avoid that the information I'm updating are shown step by step to the user, I would prefer they will be shown when the updating procedure has finished to update the control. Is it possible to lock the control for updating and when the updating procedure is finished show the information? How can I do that? Thank you in advance...
  22. Thank jcode for the clarification. Now everything is clear.... Fortunately I do not have to check the code in searching of some error, just because actually I didn't do them!
  23. Hi guys, It's just few days that I've been working with labview 2011 and I found out that after building a typedef it represents the data with a black triangle on the top-left corner of the constant I generated starting from the new typedef. What does mean that triangle? Am I making some mistake and labview is segnalling me keeping my focus on the constant?
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